
Do I have a good shot at getting a agent or a part on a Disney Channel Show[[Resume Included]]?

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Ashley hams

Widow creek



Height: 5ft3

Weight: 103

Hair: Dark Brown

Eyes: Brown

Age Range: 12-14


The Manger Masterpiece Lucius

The Jungle Book Darzee

Charlotte’s Web Charlotte

The Little Mermaid Sea Scout

Stage Monologues

Annie Speaking

Tomboy Speaking

Nike Commercial Speaking


Theatre Arts Hams Middle

Theatre Arts Kentucky Middle

Special Skills

Dancing, Cheerleading, Tumbling, Basketball, Volleyball, Swimming, and Good Cold Reader

7 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

Additional Details

6 minutes ago

Proscout Open Call Selected by Scouts

Proscout Invitational Preliminary Callback

National Discovery Network Selected by Scouts

Barbizon Search Event Selected by Scouts

Pre-teen America Scholarship &

Recognition Program Invited

National American Miss

Pre-Teen Pageant One of top ten finalists

Recipient of Ambassador

Crown & Trophy Scored Exemplary

In Judges Interviews

5 minutes ago


Donna Read, Kentucky Middle School, Kentuckyy

Todd Haberkorn,

Kim Dixon, Turning Point Dance,

Describing Myself:

Outgoing, smart, talkative, good memory, photogenic, flexible, loud, enthusiastic, good listener and ***AWESOME***

This is real stuff i just had 2 change the name and above were it say proscout barbizon etc..thats my accomplishmets..

Im a beginner do i have a good shot??

im really talented!




  1. ignore the shanon chick shes just being rude. ur supposed to help people on this site. but theres a lesson right there. people suck. theyre mean and rude and will undermine ur confidence if u let them. so stay strong. u have a great resume and if u just keep persevering something has to happen. its all aobut how bad u want it. will u audition for hundreds of things and still be willing to keep auditioning when out of 300 auditions only 1 said yes? if so you might be able to make it. stay strong. good luck. break a leg.

  2. Yes, your humility will take you far.

  3. Wow that's awesome...ur great..but remember this is a dog eat dog world here...even if ur great it doesn't mean u'll get in..sure u have chances..but it doesn't mean that you'll just automatically get into the limelight..try but be i was a child model in china and they asked me to do movied and model and make and album but i had no experience..insteat i told them to hold it off until i'm older (I was 10 when i got the request and now i'm 13) so i could focus on school first..and be more prepared..and plus if the whole famous business doesn't work out at least ik i have school and since i'm good at it i could probably get into a college and do something i have a backup plan...

    good luck..ur really good..keep up the good work..

  4. i'm an awesome actress too, i got the part closest to my dirctor's heart because he wanted someone who wouldn't wreck it and would do it over justice. but if you don't live in california, it's harder.

    i'd say no. can you sing like amazingly? can you carry a tune?

    still no.

    but i think i might be able to.

  5. I think so.  My cousin has been on quite a few Disney Channel shows, small parts, but she got in and she has nothing like those qualifications.  Just check your spelling before you send it out, OK?

  6. YEAH, wow organized and well have a huge shot!!! GL

  7. Sorry, girl but there are MILLIONS of girls just like you, even better actually. What makes you so special? And they don't want someone like you who calls themself ***AWESOME***. That's just immature. So I'd say chances are very slim for you, not trying to burst your bubble.

    Also, an agent may hire you if they think you have "the look."

  8. actually yeah I think you have a good shot try it and see what happens

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