
Do I have a health problem or is it mental?

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Okay well I got the flu like a week ago and after that I got this feeling like you know how you feel when you go to the dentist and you have that nervous feeling well thats what I have and its constint and its beginning to scare me a little what might it be and this is the first time so help!!!!




  1. maybe an anxiety problem. try a vacation.

  2. the flue often has lasting symptoms depending on the strain, just because the beginning symptoms are gone does not mean that you won't have some after effects, but if you have doubts you should see your doctor.

  3. i dont get that feeling when i go to the dentist

    will you please explain so normal people can relate

    kay thanks

  4. umm go see a doc !!

    I get worried too when im sick i think of a 100 things it COULD be ! so loly our not crazzy lol but deff go see a doc to calm you down !!

  5. Calm Down Take deep breaths. NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO YOU, if there is nothing wrong going on then just stop your worries. Watch something funny or talk to your close friends to get that feeling away. Good Luck Man :)

  6. your just nervous, just sit down, and do something that relaxes you, like read a book or something, the bible is always a good relaxer

  7. That is one of the best descriptions of anxiety I have seen.  The other good example is how you feel before giving a speech in public.

    While I do have Panic Disorder and agoraphobia now which is an extreme anxiety disorder I have never been afraid of the dentist or speaking in public.

    Anxiety related illness are a slight variation of our survival mechanisms.  The body reacts as if there is a threat, the famous fight or flight response only there is no obvious reason.  Powerful chemicals such as adrenaline are dumped into our bloodstream.  With nothing to direct ourselves at it becomes what we call anxiety.

    As long as it is not related to something such as post traumatic stress disorder you should be able to learn to deal with it by methods such as deep breathing etc.

    If it gets worse talk to your doctor because it can become hard to live with even disabling.  Although it is classed as a mental disorder don't worry about it as over half the population will suffer from it at some time in their lives.

    In the meantime avoiding stimulants such as coffee, tea and energy drinks or even ginseng will cut down on the frequency of these episodes.


  8. The flu has wiped out your system.  You have an electrolyte imbalance because you may not have kept enough fluids in you while you were sick.. Increase your fluid intake and try some Gatorade or similar sport drink.  Your diet probably changed also so you may also feel weak because of that.  Get back on your regular diet and you should be good-to-go in a day or so.

  9. I'd agree that it's anxiety, but definitely get yourself seen by a doctor - your body's telling you that something's wrong, listen.

  10. If you are taking flu medications , antihistamines especially  will make you feel like you are describing. Try going without the meds for a day or two.  

  11. It sounds as though your having panic attacks.  I've suffered for years where it got to the point I wouldn't drive or go anywhere alone.  A panic attack is heavy breathing (almost hyproventilating), shakiness, chest pressure.  Your panic attacks could be caused by medication if you are on any or stress of any sort.  A visit to your Dr. is a good idea, there are good medications out there to help with this.  I now drive and go anywhere I please all by myself

  12. its ok -your body is just tired. get some good rest & eat well- drink plenty of water

  13. Most likely anxiety.

  14. Maybe something in your life was bugging you while you had the flu and now it's taking it's tole after the illness? You should try taking Therapy of maybe Yoga i recommend Basic Yoga for Dummies!!!! NO OFFENSE

  15. Maybe you have anxiety.  Is something important coming up that you are nervous about?

    When I had anxiety attacks I would feel really nervous like the feeling I would get before a test or before I walked down the isle when I got married.  It was anxiety

  16. if it doesn't clear up soon, it's completely fair to check in with a doctor. The reassurance is always a good investment to me.

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