
Do I have a high metabolism?

by Guest66230  |  earlier

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I'l eat dinner, then about 2 hours later i'm reeallly hungry? like if i spend the whole day doing nothing, just sittin around the house doing nothing. i'l eat a big meal, then 2 hourse later i'l be really hungry again.

then on days like when i get out and do stuff, like running. i dont eat much...




  1. you could have a thyroid problem

  2. There is nothing wrong with you

    I am like that and many of my active buddies are also.

    Its kinda like your body is creating an equilibrium for itself...

    Since you're an active person your body has become use to burning fat quickly or breaking down foods quickly. And you're always storing fat...even the healthiest skinniest person in the world is storing fat, this is because your body needs levels of fat to survive. So when you're exercising your body is gaining energy from this fat and is eating off the fat. And when you're not exercising you eat more because your body is hungry for the fat that is lost. I hope you understand...but just remember to always small snack on healthy items at least 5-7 times to keep your metabolism going. Also do that even when youre exercising and is not very hungry so that you won't become weak from losing too much energy and fat. Just grab something like an apple.  So to answer your question, do you have high metabolism, yes but it is a healthy thing in your case because you are controlling it with exercising and equal amounts of eating to follow

  3. im the exact same way. im 15 though. im not sure if that has anything to do with it.

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