
Do I have a mental illness or something?

by  |  earlier

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These are my problems:

I CANNOT eat anything orange. I don't have a problem with wearing the color or anything, but I get all weird and nervous about orange foods or drinks.

When I go up the stairs, I have to count them aloud, and if I ever get two different numbers, I have to go back down and do it all over again.

I have a hard time saying peoples names. Like I will address them by saying hey! or calling them miss or mister. Calling them by their name gives me like a mini panic attack or something.

Whenever I take a shower, I scrub myself so hard. I can't stop myself. I tell myself that i'll do it once and stop but somehow I keep scrubbing. I've cried in the shower because the water gets so cold but I can't get out. I have scrubbed my skin off so many times.





  1. you have control issues.  it is a slight mental illness.  A shrink could help.

  2. Girl your not alone..... I have the same problems and i been having it since i was eight..... Its OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) I keep having to imagine scrunching something in front of my nose because i always think that its going to hit it or do it elsewhere that it feels numb or gets real pain... i kiss things that i step on because i think i disrespected them.... <- that one might sound crazy but **** its annoying and sad Talk to your doctor I aint but i will do someday when im ready.. Good Luck....

  3. My goodness you need to seek help. It sounds like you have obsessive compulsive disorder.

  4. You have Obsessive Complusive Disorder (O.C.D). In order to get over it you need to get counselling. Read the following below:

  5. Try to stay calm. I think you should see a Doctor. Sounds like obsessive compulsive disorder.

  6. haha

    you're just a little bit OCD

    i think it's funny and unique

    and as long as it doesnt interfere with your life toooo much, don't worry about it


  7. There is nothing wrong with you. You should see a doctor and talk about what you have disclosed here. It is possible that you have a chemical imbalance that can very easily be cured.

    I have found the articles on this site to be helpful;

    Stay positive,


  8. You sound a little obsessive-compulsive. You should contact someone that could help you with that, a Dr. or Mental Health person there are a lot of drugs that can help you deal with that.  You might want to check this website out." or" You can read about your symptoms and then go from there.

  9. Sounds to me like you might have obsessive compulsive disorder. There is medication that can help. Your best bet is to see a psychiatrist.

    Best of luck to you.

  10. it sounds like  you have OCD

  11. OCD

  12. Looks to me like you have OCD (over compulsive disorder). Go talk to your doctor and he'll tell you all about it. Or go to webmd for more information if you have the symptoms.

  13. definitely your are retarded!!!!

  14. u should see a doctor..  

  15. sounds like you have OCD


  17. i don't udnerstand the numbers thing. i think you don't say names because you might be afraid you'll forget it or pronounce it wrong. but maybe see a doctor. the shower thing is dangerous i think.  

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