
Do I have a problem? The husband and I have bought 51 books this month so far (August)?

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I think I need a bigger house and more time to read in - how can I get these bearing in mind I work 40 hours a week?




  1. I've started taking the subway to/from work and I have SO much more time  to read! It's awesome. I always read on my lunch break, too, so I can get in an extra 30 minutes or so.  

  2. No no you dont have a problem, i have worked in a library and in waterstones book shop and have seen people spend 3 or 4 hundred pounds at a time on books.

    My suggestion to getting them all read is to read them in the bath (but dont drop them) before you go to sleep. And if you take public transport to and from work, on the bus/train. but also, on a lunch/coffee break at work open it up and read it on your break.

    i do this, but have to set an alarm when im due back at work or i end up engrossed in my book and not at work.... i wish :)

    But yeh, deffinately not alone. And i envy you.

    As for space... sell them on amazon, or give them to a charity shop whenever you finish them, unless they're fab and you know you will read them again. but sell / give away the rest.  

  3. Sounds like you need to work in the library.  I'm sure they would let you take your work home with you.

  4. buying that many is fine - i have hundreds of books but i think you need to dig in to a few of them before buying more!!!  hee hee

  5. you like books no crime why not take the ones you have both read to a charity shop or if you have any friends or family who like reading swap them for books you and your husband haven't read its a good way to get books for free  

  6. Well if there new releases your wasting alot of money, your never gonna get through those books anytime soon so you could have wated a few months and got them half price : )  

  7. no. you just like books. if i was allowed i would too.

  8. When my books-to-read stack became a foot and a half cube, I put myself on a strick diet of read two for every one bought.

    It worked well and I got the pile down to a managable amount.

  9. No problem with that, enjoy when you have time, I certainly do and so does my hubby.

  10. Wow! That's a lot of books! I can see why you might perceive that habit as "out of hand," but we all know that if we could do it, we would! If you can work in the time to read all of those books, I say go for it. However, if you are rapidly finding yourself with far more books than time enough in the world (which was my problem recently), you might consider visiting the library. This was hard for me at first, because I love to own books, but eventually, it worked out. I saved a lot of money and space, and still got to read the books I wanted without buying buying buying.

    As far as that extra space... I have to cull my collection once in a while. Get rid of things I've read or will never read, etc. I usually trade them in at a used book shop for store credit toward more books I don't need ;)

  11. You aren't crazy, but you definitely need to get a LIBRARY card!!!!!  You'll save so much money.

  12. Buy fewer books.

  13. Work part time and become a professional writer.

  14. It's not a problem if you read them all. I would do the same but I've no money

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