
Do I have a problem>?

by  |  earlier

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1. I eat french fries..i talk to them too.

2. i called bk and YELLED at them bcuz i spilled ketchup

3. I c walking buns on the floor

4. and the bk king stares at me(the one on the bag)




  1. it sounds like you are REALLY into your fastfood

  2. no

  3. I think you have to step away from the fast food for a while =]

    you mite become a cheeseburger or marry one of the french fries ( a kid in my class did)

  4. French fries rule!

  5. nope


  7. i do the same thing so you don't have a problem

  8. Sounds like you might be McCrazy!!! LOL!

  9. sounds like a normal day for someone in a looney bin!

  10. if yo have a problem honey then i reckon i should be locked up, because my relationship with food is perhaps even more intense!! thanks for all your kindness to me lately by the way. :)

  11. Yes you do! your nuts! but funny!

  12. try eating hash browns instead

  13. ...........Hey wanna pass that blunt this way?

  14. ya think

  15. um it is their fault they put ketchup in retarded packets.. you are never gaurenteed to open them right. that pisses me off. also..... you have to let your french fries know what sauce your gonna dip em into.. you don't want them freakin' out on far as the walking buns... thats the pot.. messin with ya! lol and the king on the bk bag is super creepy and looks like a molester .. he makes me feel rather uncomfortable as well! well try taco bell... or carls... cant go wrong with a talking chihuaha ... or a big star!!! bye bye

  16. dont worry all girls are crazy
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