
Do I have a right to be angry? His sister took step daughter to ex girlfriends?!

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I found out from the 4 yr old yesterday that her aunt took her to my mans ex girlfriends house?! This is a person that has not been in either of their lives since she was 1 1/2 maybe 2 yrs old?! She is no relation and was not close to her when they where together. My man said "oh yeah my sister mentioned she took her over there" I cannot believe that he is ok with this we have lived together for over a year and I am now wondering whats going on. He is usually VERY protective over where his daughter goes and who she is around.??? I am really mad. I have been very good to his sister. She comes over at least once a week. I thought we had a really good relationship. Do I say something to her? Do I have a right to be angry?




  1. If you say anything you will alienate your b/f. You have no say and no right to say anything about where his sister takes his child. You are acting like a jealous female and men abhor that sort of thing, just be advised, if you care about him you will keep your opinions to yourself.

  2. Is your child's aunt friends with this woman?  What was her purpose in taking her over there?  I don't see the harm.  Is this woman a drug addict, a felon, or a child abuser?  Why does it matter if your man used to date her?  I really don't see why it would be a big deal unless ther is some background that you didn't mention.  You sound just jealous and that's how you are going to sound if you bring it up to your man's sister.

  3. Don't get mad right off the bat. If you have a good relationship like you say you should be able to just talk about it to her and ask her why and tell her you don't appreciate what she said. Talk to your husband first about it. I'm sure they'll both understand.

  4. Is there a reason she shouldn't be around the ex girlfriend? Apparently the sister is friends with this person, and I don't think she should not be just because it's her brothers ex gf. (Ex wife, maybe, but ex gf is not a big deal). I don't think you should say anything to the sister. It is her niece and she has more rights than you do at this point. I think you might be overreacting a little bit. Maybe you are a little insecure. But don't worry, you are in his life now and not the ex. And just because his sister likes the girl, doesn't mean she doesn't like you. Unles there is a big reason(drugs, abuse, etc.) why the stepdaughter should not be around the ex, you shouldn't say anything.

  5. Yes you have a right to be angry.  I think that you should mention to his sister that what she did makes you feel upset and to please don't do it again.  Unless the ex is a murderess I would not be making too much of a day about it.  Sometimes it is just easier to get your point across without fighting.  

  6. Why did she take the child over there?  Although regardless of the reason, I see no cause for you to be angry (this is not your child) other than the fact that it appears you're very insecure in your relationship with your 'man'.  That’s not a problem that was caused by/has anything to do with this visit.  But it is a problem that needs to be resolved.  

  7. This is not your child. Her father seems fine with it. If you're not you could tell him that, but it will make you look small and petty.

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