
Do I have a right to be angry at my parents for what they did?

by Guest34286  |  earlier

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I used to go to a beautiful university from 2004-2007, basically my freshman, sophomore and junior year. I seriously had THE BEST time of my life, everything else fails in comparison to how much fun I had at college and how everything was good. I had a solid 3.4 GPA, which isn't that great, but was actually well above average for my major.

Then my parents just pulled me out of this university. They said that I am probably failing, but I showed them the grades and then they said they can't afford it really anymore, even with loans and my own loans and me paying my entire salary into the college (pretty expensive but an awesome school)

You see they bought a new house "to escape the city and have a better childhood for my younger brothers and 15 year old sister" I told them that first off, moving would ruin everything, I was born and raised in the city and lived there for 21 freaking years and that it would affect me the most. Well, they bought the house anyway midway through my junior year and for my senior year they sent me to a community college close to my new home to get a few credits and then transfer to some no name 4 year college the next semester. They completely failed to realize that by doing this, what would have been the point of going to an expensive university for 3 years and then getting the actual degree from some no name school.

Ever since then, I can't forgive my parents for what they did, its been a year now, and at community college i got a 1.3 GPA. I failed nearly every class, and I have relapsed into a depression. I used to be depressed before I started college from 16-18 and it was horrible, and this time its 10 times worst.

Everytime I think about it, I get really angry at how my parents not only disregarded leaving the city, which is OK i guess, but they took me out of university and gave me a sob story that they can't pay..... yeah, but they could afford a $750,000 house, BS.

Honest to say this has left me with a bunch of issues that I am dealing with alone now. I long for the day I have enough money to get back into that university.... I lost all my friends there.... have to live at home....

I rather die really, I don't find anything fun anymore.......

Do I have a right to be angry at my parents?




  1. Okay I think Jane and Jasmine aren't the right people to be answering questions. People like that need to stay off of here. You definitely have a right to be mad at them! You should try to get out of the area where they are and get a place of your own farther away from them and try to forget what they did or confront them. Maybe you could tell them how you feel and go back to your old college.

  2. Oh my gosh grow up! You are 21 years old! Your parent did what they could for you and have to do what they can for your siblings. If you really want your fancy college then pay for it yourself! What a whiner!  

  3. That sucks.  I am sorry you are having a depression.  I know it is a bad situation, but you need to get help from a psychiatrist.  That way you can get to feeling as good as you can and salvage your education.

  4. Your parents deserve to do whatever they want to. It's their life and their money. I think your jealous that they didn't want a better life for their children out of the city when you were younger.

    Most kids (Not that I'm saying your a kid. 21 years old and you still live with your parents!) don't even get to go to junior college much less some holier than thou college that your so fond of.

    I think you should take out your own loan and get a 2nd job and give your parents the peace they deserve.

    The worst thing I seen in your whole self centered post was that you repay your parents for still giving you money for at least some kind of higher learning with a poor performance. If I were them I would cut you off as soon as I saw those grades.


  5. did you not read that she was putting her salary into her college?

    personally i would be pissed too.. your parents are supposed to support you and with only one year left it doesnt make sense why they would pull you out,

    i think you should definetly talk to them about this, if you dont you wont be able to pull yourself out of this depression and you'll always feel like you have issues with your parents.

    good luck x

  6. u sound like a spoiled brat,all schools are about the same you get your degree and that's what counts,it does not matter if its an expensive or cheap, you're lucky you have parent's that are trying to help you get your education,you need to thank them for helping you to begin with and grow up!

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