
Do I have a savings accounts or a Current account?

by  |  earlier

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Heya, I'm setting up Paypal here and it asked me that question. How do you find out what type of account you have? My card is Barclays Visa Electron, Debit Card, for Electronic use only. Does this help? Please help :D




  1. I'm pretty sure that a visa electron account  means you don't have a savings account, and it also means you don't have a Current account.

                                                   All it means is you can draw cash from an ATM provided you have sufficient funds banked to pay for the goods.  You can also buy goods over the counter with the same restrictions.

                                                  Debit card means as soon as the shop swipes the card and it's accepted , the cash has gone.

                                                    To make sure ask the bank that issued the card.

  2. A current account      Your  bank statements will tell you this..   .      

  3. current account

  4. probably a current account. unless you went into the bank and set up a savings account then it will be a current one. it wont make a difference what you put when setting up pay pal anyway as long as its a debit card it will be fine

  5. You will have a current account, you can only get a Visa debit card with a current account. A debit card acts like a credit card but you can only spend what you have in the bank.

    A savings account would only have an ATM withdrawal card, you could not use a savings card to purchase goods in store.

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