
Do I have a shot at getting in to Berkeley?

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Hey, I'm a high school junior in Metro Atlanta, at a public school; albeit a highly competitive one with an excellent AP program. My weighted GPA is 4.375, and I have made, only one 'B', in Honors World history, and am confident that I will make only 'A's' otherwise. I took AP euro, and AP physics B, and am currently taking AP US hist. AP bio AP calc AB and spanish V. I'm going to take ap calc bc, ap physics c, ap chem, ap gov't econ, ap spanish, quantum mechanics, and special and general relativity. I am also taking my SAT's, what would i need to score to get in?

also, what would i need on my ACT's.

I am moving to singapore in january, and i think that a little bit of foriegn experiences, especially in a country with no freedom of speech, organization, or press, would help?





  1. You have a definite shot.



  2. With a 2100 you would have a good shot. It's a myth that Berkeley is very hard to get into from out of state. They get few applicants from out of state because of the $40,000 price tag and little aid.

  3. defnitely, but im your application essay has alot to do with it too

    i kno a valedictorian from my graduating class after me who didn't get accepted and alot of the other top ten in her class got accepted.

    so yea, i think essays or maybe volunteer stuff have alot to do with it

    you said your going to singapore to for the experience too, that would really help a GREAT deal in you applications in my opinion, just dont make the essays bad

    good luck

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