
Do I have a shot to make it in the Major Leagues?

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Unlike most males in America, my dream has been to play baseball in the Majors. This is something I've wanted since I was four. I really want to do this and am willing to work hard. The problem is I'm 45 and I've never actually played organized baseball before. I've spent most of my life abusing alcohol, but I think I can still do it. I have started throwing a baseball against the wall and I can fire a ball in the mid-50s right now. I am hitting a ball off a tee and about half the time I connect. I also still have my Sega Genesis from 1992 and can beat anyone at Tommy Lasorda baseball. I have started running every other day to lose some of this beer belly I have and I'm closely watching games on TV, studying how players react and their movements. I really believe I could be the next Rickey Henderson, except for the stolen base part and the on base percentage and the batting average part. Can I still make it?

Also, does anyone know where I can get some Jonus Bros. tickets?




  1. I think if you did a little training on the Wii, you'd have a shot.

  2. You're going to be the next Rickey Henderson? I think I'm better, people say I'm going to be the next Corky Miller. I mean, I can throw out almost 5% of batters who try to steal.

  3. If you can dream it, you can do it.

    Watch the Rookie about a dozen times. That will help.

  4. Well, anything is possible.  But, it may be very challenging.  To be honest with you, I have never heard of a 50 year old playing Baseball.  You could probably become a Manager though.

    If you wanted to become a professional why did you let ahlchol take control of your life?  You probably could have been playing for a few years now if you didn't drink and whatever else you did wrong.

    I'm 15 and trying to start playing again.  Not that I did drugs or anything, it's just that I stopped playing after T-ball.  And now I'm trying hard to find the path that could get me back to playing Baseball or a path in life that could get me to the Majors.

    If you're in your mid- 50s now, it's a little too late.  Not that I'm trying to put you down or anything. It's time to face reality.  Your dreams most likely will not happen.  As I said above, there's a chance that you could become a Manager.  "Some of the best Managers or Coaches, have never played the game."  

    Another job that you could get related to Baseball is becoming an Umpire.  There's still a possibility, so try.  Try your very best!

    Good luck!

  5. LOL. Nice! Im gonna star this.

  6. Are you serious ? Most players retire at 45 & if it's been something you wanted since you were 4, maybe you should've started working for it a couple decades ago. And throwing mid-50's at 45 is not good. I mean, Roger Clemens and Curt Schilling who are in their 40's throw close to 90+. If you were maybe in college playing baseball, then that would be a different story, but 45 is way  too old.

  7. Sure you can, just get some steroids and you are almost there.  You should also throw with your left hand, and then any team will be willing to hire you.

  8. If you set your mind to it and work really hard, I'm sure you'll be able to save enough money to upgrade to a video game that was made in the last decade.

    Another classic from Buzz Jockington.

  9. You're on your way to becoming the next Jimmy Morris! Go Buzz Go!

    And, I have NO clue where to get them tickets. Although once you make the majors you won't need tickets.

    BTW's sad how many people don't understand your humor. Stuff like this is needed more on this board. I'm sick of reading the same question every day. Makes me laugh!

  10. sorry but No if you were 25 id say maybe but you never played an organized game and you dont have the skills AND your 45. most players are done by that age.

    sorry man...thats a no

    about you Jo bro tixs good luck there sold out everywhere

  11. I think you have a shot at it!!!  I bet you can fire a beer can across the room at least 30 mph!!!  Why stop at Rickey Henderson, I think you could be the hybrid of Henderson, A-Rod and Ruth with you extreme skills!

  12. Keep going Buzz. I log in almost everyday to see what you are up to now.

    I saw your original post about silly and repetitious questions on YBA and I heartily agreed.

    In fact, I got dinged by Yahoo for referring such a silly questioner to check wih you concerning repetitious questions about teen aged baseball  "Super Stars"

    You owe me ten.

    Just kidding, I have over 5,000 YBA points.

    Plus, I discovered that YBA doesn't allow appeals any more.

    My appeals, anyway.

    So watch what you say, "very carefully".

  13. i dont think so but anything is possible

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