
Do I have a sleeping disorder?

by  |  earlier

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It didn't happen when school was still on, cause I was exhausted from playing basketball in the day and talking after school, but now that it's summer, I don't play as much basketball, and I call friends a couple of times a day ..

But, now, when I try to sleep, my mind starts thinking way too much, and I tend not to sleep until an hour after I get to bed ..

Do I have a sleeping disorder?




  1. Nope. The fact that you are thinking and stressing about sleep shows that you are anxious. Don't be! I had the same problem. I took sleeping pills and tried so many other remedies (warm milk..) but not even a handful of pills could help me. I stopped taking them and told myself that I need sleep.

    First of all, don't stress about sleep! As you are lying in bed, just think that no matter what happens you will get up in the morning, sleep or no sleep. You will get dressed, shower (hopefully :) ), and go off on your day. If you get 8 hours wonderful! If you get 24 minutes oh well!

    You just need the right mindset as you are lying in bed. just think that this little night of sleep won't be able to compare to the rest of your life. You will have thousands of nights of sleep.

    If you are trying to sleep and it's summer and you have nothing to do in the morning you are most likely too energized to sleep. You need to slow yourself down as night comes.

    Read a book, watch a movie (not scary or action!) or go for a nice slow walk.

    It's summer and enjoy it! Don't worry about  getting to sleep bud, it will come.

  2. no. i have the same problem. its not a sleep disorder its an anxiety thing. I do the exact same thing. sucks doesn't it. anyway there's not much you can do about it. If you have to get up the next day take a tylenol PM like 8 1/2-9 hours before you have to get up. It will help you fall asleep faster.  

  3. doesn't sound like a sleep disorder try cutting down on caffeine and nicotine(if you smoke) try a little reading before bed.

  4. Hey there,

    Listen, it takes most people up to an hour or more to get to sleep. That is very normal. I have insomnia and there have been times when I could not go to sleep for days. The longest I have ever went without sleep is 4 days.

    Sleeping pills is not the answer. Believe me, I took them for 5 years. In the end I was taking ambien up to 2 a night and even a xanax. I just could not sleep. Oh, and by the way I started out with Tylenol pm too...

    You totally already have the answer. It seems like your body requires more exercise. May I suggest that you play basketball go for a run, become more active (you got the idea) and you will see that your sleep is going to get better.

    Also,if your brain cannot turn off.... Listen to music... Watch something really boring on t.v. (I watch C-Span)

    I just don't want you to go down the same road as me. I ended up getting a sleep study done and I have a diagnosed sleep disorder. But, I have chosen not to take meds. So, for the past few months I have reprogrammed my brain by getting more exercise and improving my sleep hygeine and I can go to sleep every night.

    Good luck

  5. Your not alone. I wish I can tell you but were in the same boat. I been taking Tylenol PM to help me sleep but not a good thing to depend on a pill every night. I just can't wait to have a health insurance and consult with a doctor about it. Good luck.

  6. hahaha lol i feel the same way i stay up till like 7:00 am den sleep till 2:00 pm and its like im a vamprire

  7. Insomnia can be a problem,my husband drinks a cup of warm milk when he can't sleep and that works for him. I usually have to get up and read or get on the computer when I can't sleep. A doctor will probably prescribe a drug don't know how you feel about that. I try to avoid taking anything if I don't have to. You did say after basketball you were able to sleep you could join a gym and work out or play ball that might help.  Good luck I understand and wish you lots of luck!

  8. take some sleeping pills

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