
Do I have a slight form of Asperger's?

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I am a 20 year old male in college and majoring in pure mathematics. When I was a young toddler I didn't speak until age 4 and my mother had to take me to speech therapy several times. I put together puzzles by myself designed for 12 year old when I was three, and I excelled at memorizing (still do). My mother said I was always extremely senstive even when I was young. I also have a strong will. I am extremely sensetive to sudden loud noises. When I was younger like 4 or 5 I was sociable, but do to my sensentivity I would get offended and I started to withdraw. Now my social skills are horrible. I am really good with numbers and engineering I also have a tendence to obessessed with one thing for a while then move on to another. I was bullied in 8th grade and didn't have any friends that I hung out with in highschool.




  1. It's possible but it's also very possible that you are "only" very intelligent.

    Very intelligent people tend to be able to calculate all numbers and remember things normal people couldn't but are horrible with social things.

    There are people with an IQ of 140 or something who can't even tie their shoes.

    So, I don't think you've got aspergers. I think you're very gifted and should "enjoy" your intelligence.

  2. Sounds sort of like it. Language deficiencies aren't generally attributed to that, though -- Asperger's people can be extremely good with language, but they lack social skills.

  3. Asperger syndrome is one of several autism disorders (ADs) characterized by difficulties in social interaction and by restricted, stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests and activities.

    But NOTE:  AS is distinguished from the other ADs in having no general delay in language or cognitive development.

    Also, motor clumsiness and unusual use of language are common in AS.

    So, I'd say: no, you do not have AS, even slightly.

  4. Asperger's is a high-functioning form of Autism and (in my experience) people who have Asperger's are very sociable, their social problems were not shyness but things like swapping topic or talking about things that don't interest them. Do you have a daily routine? If yes, do you get upset when it's disrupted? These are indicators of Asperger's.

    But there's no need to worry or obsess about it, Autism is a vast scale and everyone has Autistic traits to some degree. Try this (well-respected) test by Simon Baron-Cohen

    I scored 18 and am also quite introverted, my friends scored between 6 and 22.  

    Average for males is 17 (26 if you're related to someone with Autism) and 35+ is average for someone with Asperger's.

  5. from what you have said it is entirely possible that you could have aspergers

    however it is difficult to diagnose it - even more so on-line - so why not see if you can get a diagnosis behind you and see what kind of support there is on offer for people with your issues?

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