
Do I have a virus or am I in the green?

by  |  earlier

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was searching on google for some information on Unreal Tournament 3, and one of the sites that was third on the list was called ""

I clicked the link, it refreshed. Didn't even load the website, even though every other link loaded. I dont know if this caused me to download a virus or somehting, but AVG, Avast, Ad-Aware, Spybot Search & Destroy dont find anything.

I viewed a cached image of the site from the "cached" link on the google site. I didn't click any links, and immediately did a google search to check for malicious software linked to said site. The only thing I found that said such, was people complaining about viruses from the .exes downloaded. I couldn't find even a tiny amount of info about viruses from just browsing.

I have no cookies from, no temporary files.. I didn't even go to the site as it wouldn't load, all I did is view a "cached snapshot"

I'm also using Opera, so no activex.

I just want to know if I'm in the green or not.




  1. Quite often AV programs will NOT find malicious codecs which you may not have downloaded, but get downloaded as 'drive-by's' so it is worth using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware:

    Download, install, update and select Quick Scan

    If you have any malicious codecs this will remove them. If it finds nothing and your AV is clear then it would seem that you are in the clear.


    Managed to get to other dailykeys sites via sandboxed browser. Site is rated as dangerous not only for downloads but also drive-by malware infections.  Just clicking the links and without visiting the site my AV picked up Trojans on each link and aborted the connection.

    Check running processes in task manager and look for anything unusual running and using resources.

    I use Avast Anti-virus and it's picked up a different trojan on each link

  2. 2 things, either you can try another browser to see if it works, or the site is in a loop mode. loop modes is basically the site is going through a server and router with no destination to go t, so it goes around in a circle indefinitely @ 186,000/mps. ... basically the speed of light.

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