
Do I have an addiction?

by  |  earlier

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My mom is unemployed so I pay her bills, my rent, and I donate to four different organizations. They are ASPCA, March of Dimes, Minnesota Zoo and World Vision. Everytime I make a donation I feel better about myself and I also feel like I am making the world a better place. I used to have deppression but recently I haven't needed to take my anti-depressants. I am not a rich person but there are things in life that I can live without because I would rather see my money go to someone or something else that needs it more than me.




  1. That is nice.  I just hope that you put some away in a bank for a rainy day.

  2. I think it would be an addiction if you were not paying rent or eating. But do something for yourself once in a while geez.

  3. Sometimes people help others purely because they believe they don't deserve the things they have. If that's the case, I wouldn't say it's an addiction, neither would I say it's a healthy thing to be doing. If you do it purely because you want to help others, then it's perfectly fine & selfless.

  4. I don't think you have an addiction. It sounds like you have conquered your depression by caring for others. God bless you.

  5. well i wish you were my fairy god mother, all my prizes would come gift wrapped in green backs

  6. I do the same, only I'm not rich. I get paid 400 dollars every two weeks. I would guess I spend about 250,.00 on toys for tots/school supplies for the pencil project/teddy bears for TeddyCare/and a bunch of arts and crafts for a children's hospice in England. I wouldn't have it any other way. My job may be boring, but I know my money is going to make children smile. Good for you. It's the best "Addiction" to have.

  7. seems like your kindness goes a long way. i definitely look up to u as a hero. however, it is considered unhealthy to continually overlook your wants. it is ok to splurge on urself too. please remember that. keep up the good work. you rock!

  8. You're quite the martyr. Suffer for the good of others why don't you already.

    Admit it- part of you wants to say, "s***w them all I'm going to Spring Break!"

    No wonder you're depressed. Live a little.

  9. Well, you can write off the donations as tax deductions.

  10. An addiction probably no by psychologiocaldefinition.A codependency maybe depending on what your emotional reactions are in all this and whether you are upset or afraid if someone you support or help can make it w/o helpor if your only sense of your worth is their approval and what you choose not bto have to help others and how compulsive you are in it*.  But based on just what you posted here you probably have a fairly healthy set of values and it sounds as if you are learning that caring about others is a way to gain strength in yourself.

    *  for example if you chose to give or help vs go to movies or eat out that is well within the healthy range; if you chose to give or help vs have heat or at least 2 meals most days that is getting inton the codependent range in a serious way,

  11. no i dont think so ur just a carring person..aslong as u can still pay ur bills urself..its ok if u spend ur  other money on people that need it.

  12. Haha it's not an addiction. That's an extreme case of generosity and selflessness. Keep up the good work. Don't make yourself live in the dirt, either. It's great that it makes you feel better as a person, but work on yourself a little too. Why don't you try making it so that you donate because you know they need it more, but that you'd be a happy person even if you didn't? Find a good balance between.

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