I get nervous, stressed, and worried A LOT and sometimes it is over the littlest things. Like tonight I have my first dance class of the year (same place as I took classes last year and same type of dance) and I'm nervous, but I shouldn't be because I love dancing! I have also been VERY stressed about school starting (I'm going to be a sophomore in high school) and it's been bothering me 24/7 and I'm tired of it.
Sometimes I feel like I'm in a dream and I'll feel dizzy and light-headed - why??? It feels really weird and I don't know why it happens. Sometimes I feel like I'm also going to faint. I'm really worried about this!
My mom is a nurse so I am going to tell her about it. She is asleep right now because she works night shift, so I will tell her when she wakes up. But how do I tell her?? I'm worried I will sound paranoid or something or sound stupid. Is this something silly to worry about - I mean, the anxiety thing?
Another thing about me is I have been known to be shy at times, and I also was as a little kid.
Please help!!!! Should I ask my mom about seeing a doctor? I feel sooo stupid!