
Do I have an infection?

by Guest62194  |  earlier

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When I turned 16, I was finally able to retract my f******n all the way back. But is this too late? Should I have already retracted it long before because people used to tell me I will get an infection if you don't wash it daily. But I haven't been washing it until just now at the age of 16! How do I know? Please help.




  1. You aren't required to retract your f******n by a certain age, despite what some misinformed people think.  The f******n and the glans are attached at birth, and in some cases stay attached until age 17 or more.

    When your f******n does not retract, it is not necessary to wash underneath it.  The f******n protects the glans at this point and everything goes out, not in.  The smegma protects the glans from bacteria and fungus infections.  After the f******n retracts is the time to make sure you wash regularly, because now the area is being exposed to the air, and dirt and bacteria can get trapped under there.  The smegma can go bad if it builds up and becomes a breeding ground for bacteria.

    Just wash the area daily now that your f******n retracts, and you will be fine.  You can use mild soap if you want, but just water is usually sufficient to clean it completely.  When it's clean, rinse away all the soap if you used any, dry your p***s, and roll your f******n back into place.

  2. There are no medical facts that you should be able to fully retract your f******n, some men will never be able to in there entire life time. Although now that you are able to it is very adviseable that when in the shower you use soap and pull you f******n back and forth to let the soap get in a clean your p***s head. This may be a bit painful as it will be very sensitive if not used to being out of the protecting f******n. Even if you were to have an infection (which i highly doubt), the infection would eventually go if cleaned properly daily. If you pull your skin fully back you may notice some white sticky puss, this is not always the result of an infection it is also s***n resedue and dirt collected together which should be cleaned away to avoid infection and a smell.

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