
Do I have an underweight kitten?

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I know there's no absolute rule here and it tends to be a pound a month but my kitten (male) is 4.5 months and only weighs just under 3lbs (1.3kg). Vet said a few weeks back he was fine and he is gaining weight and seems perfectly happy healthy and well - should I be worried?




  1. sounds healthy to me and if you don't trust your current vet, get a second opinion. I think some  grown cat weigh that I could be wrong

  2. my cat was a SKIMP now she is FAT CAT she is the youngest out of my two and she ways more than the oldest. We got them both from Bay Aera Humane Society a long time ago.

  3. give her full fat milk or creem but always chek with the vet if ur gona give it some thing new  

  4. i got my kitten when she was 3 months old and she weighed 1.8 pounds so I'm sure yours is just fine! good luck with your kitten.

  5. No, don't be worried at all. He is perfectly healthy and it could also be possible that hes the runt of the litter which just means hes smaller <3

  6. No. Start a growth chart for him if he has a good growth curve don't worry about the amount of weight. Some cats are small, remember good things can come in small packages.

  7. Some cats are just smaller than others.  As long as he is otherwise healthy, he will eventually catch up.  Don't worry too much about him as long as he doesn't have any other signs of poor health.  Kittens are so active that they often burn off all their food when they are young.  Once he's neutered he will definitely fill out and gain weight.

  8. i.m sure he is fine, some kitties are just petite, i had the same worries about mine she has always been small, she's a little over a year old and is right at vet said she's fine and healthy just petite

  9. Your kitten is like a child... growing fast.

    So it will get fat...then thin out and get long and leggy for a while then will get fat again..

    so don't worry ... if you are feeding it 2 or 3x a day then it is getting enough.  

  10. if the vet says he is fine, happy, healthy, and well he should be fine. if u think your kitten is under weight try feeding it slightly more. hope it helps :D

  11. I have an adult cat who was under 7 lbs until she got fat.  So some are just hobbit cats.  Does the kitten have fat on his bones?  Are the ribs bony or can you feel them through a little flesh?  If there's flesh there, he's fine.

  12. Well I'd think it was odd.. one of my foster kittens is 3lbs and he is only 8 weeks old. Maybe your cat is just small but it seems awful small to me, especially for a male.

    All of my foster kittens have been at least 2 lbs by the time they were 7 weeks and usually the males are bigger about 3lbs by 7 weeks.

    PS Maybe he isn't as old as you think!

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