
Do I have anger problems?

by Guest60465  |  earlier

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When I'm angry I smash things and there are people I hate at school and I just want to kill them. I try not to get angry but when I get really angry I can't seem to control myself. I don't want to tell anyone though.




  1. Talk to your school counselor or nurse.  Do not feel ashamed when you go there.  The adults are there to help you when you feel you need some advice.

    God loves you and He wants you to know that it is going to be okay.

    Do not worry.  Go talk to an adult that you feel good being around and tell them what is on your mind.


  2. please talk to someone.

    i was EXACTLY the same as you and all i could think about was suicide. but then i had a HUGE row with my mum and let rip on how **** i feel and now she has made me feel better and i dont feel like **** anymore.

    honestly it really does work!

    good luck ; ]

  3. Hey ! I have the same problem. I kicked 3 holes in my wall !

      Why are you so angry ? You need to deal with what's making you so angry !

    You're not a monster ! You're a good person !  You are smart enough to find out why you are so angry too !!!  

    People who disrespect or  insult you have no respect for themselves ! Just remember that !  

  4. you wanna talk to your parents really, sounds like something is really bothering you. if you dont wanna talk to them try a school teacher, they might surprise you. but dont do it when your mates are about though. they'll only make stupid comments and you'll end up thumping them.

  5. As long as you are still alive you have a chance at being content with life, if not happy. Anger is a normal human emotion, usually expressing fear and pain. Figure out why you're angry and how to change the way you react to it.

  6. yes you do, consult a psychiatist to feel better there is no shame

    Suicide is never the answer it only makes thing worse

  7. I think you need to tell someone,like your parents or a teacher before you get out of control.What if you cant stop yourself turning on someone you love like a parent, friend or girlfriend. Everyone gets angry but we dont smash things up and we dont think about killing people xx

    Get help and good luck x

  8. Talk to someone you can trust preferably an adult, maybe your doctor or parents. There is nothing to be ashamed of and whoever you talk to will appreciate what your going through and try and help you as best as they can.  

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