
Do I have any legal right to prevent my ex from sleeping with her boyfriend on the nights she has our 2yr son?

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We separated in April 08. Since then my wife has introduced behind my back 2 different boyfriends to our 2 year old son whom has grown attached to the second guy. Our divorce is being worked out and my question is do I have any right in the state of Colorado to prevent or monitor her indiscretions around my son due to the emotional impact and stressor it has upon him? My pediatrician, counselor and friends all agree with me that she needs self control but I want legal support but I dont think I have any as a Father or parent......




  1. It really is dependent upon the family courts in your state. There are many states that do not monitor such activity and often deny it as evidence.

    If you are going through a divorce, your attorney should be able to answer this question.

    Just be sure that YOU can also agree to such an order. You will eventually move on with your life as well.

    Good luck.

  2. no.  i'm sorry but she must be young and foolish to do this to your child.  keep your chin up and everything will be okay.

  3. Well, she is his mother and can do what she feels best. If her and this boyfriend are not harming the child than no, there is nothing you can do. There is no horrible emotional impact on your son by introducing different men, I think it is okay and he will be fine. Your issue is being jealous I think, so back off and let her be happy. She isn't hurting your son any so be grateful for that!

  4. If you are still married, only separated, then yes you do have a right to petition the court to keep all men out of the home until the divorce is final. Furthermore, you may have some right even after the divorce is final.

    You are still legally married and her infidelity in front of her son can cause damage later on, especially now that she is introducing men in the child's life like a merry go round.

    I guarantee you if it was you have women over while your daughter was with you your EX would have your azz in court immediately.

  5. Despite what a few people have already said, Yes you do have rights that regulate what can happen around your child.

    You should talk to her and tell her that you are happy she is happy but would she please not keep introducing new men into your sons life at this point until she is sure that the relationship with that person is going to last because it will damage the child in some ways, such as trust.  

    Also if she is having different men staying at the house, that is being unfit. You could take her back to court if she is doing this repetivly.

  6. You'd have to ask an attorney.  I hope there is some.

    To the one who said the child won't be harmed, remember that he's only 2 and has just seen his parents split.  Think about the emotional blow if this other man leaves also.

    Good luck.

  7. no. but a good lawyer could push to get you sole custody and make it difficult for her to see the child.

  8. Well, does your son see her in the act? hear her? Have any clue what so ever what's going on even if he doesn't understand it?

    If your answer is no no no then you really have no right legally or morally.

    BUT if it's impacting your son because he's right there seeing and hearing it all 1st hand then I'm SURE there is a way. But maybe not, laws are tricky and I doubt there is one to prevent someone from sexual relations in their own house and bed.

    Good question though I'm kinda curious to hear the legal ramifications if in fact you can prevent it.

  9. You say she keeps doing things behind your back.

    Why does she need to ask you permission to move on and date?

    It's really not your concern. Your concern is only your child. If your child is doing well and thriving then all else is fine.

    You cannot control who your ex chooses to date, any lawyer will tell you this.  

  10. This actually depends on what state you are in and the laws.  I have a friend that is going through custody and in their agreement she cannot bring or have her current boyfriend around the kids when she has them.  The husband got residential custody and she got visitation.  If there is cause to say you do not want him to spend the night it can be done.  You can request to have this in the parenting agreement and of course she can fight it but kids are at the age where they grow attached and she should not be bringing different kids around him anyways.  She should only bring someone around if they are a serious couple.  .  Talk to your custody lawyer and let him/her know your concerns and what you would like done.  I have seen this is custody papers stating this.

  11. NO! you're just jealous and need to move on....obviously she has.

  12. how do you know she is sleeping with him? Are you watching? Unless she is doing it directly in front of your son it's none of your concern.

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