
Do I have any rites against a POICE MAN???

by  |  earlier

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My friend from arizona and I were going down the street in his car . He was driving. We got pulled over from not having a front plate he does not need one from were hes from. But here in cali its the law. The cop ask for liciene and insureance and registeration. He gave him all that. Then he said what kind of drugs we were doin and on. He pull him out the car serched him and then me. I said he can not. He said then I will go to jail. So then I just let him. Then he put us on the floor and surch the car and said I look like a criminal and my friend looks like a a drugy. They looked all over the car and did not find nothing.

I was very imbarest and mad and I did feel like a criminal after all that had happend. They were so rud and disrespectfull. Is there anything I could do about this. It felt like all my rites were striped from me at that time. Should I make a report who would I talk to????




  1. You have the right to remain silent, which I suggest.

    You have the right to an attorney, which can wait until you are booked into jail and allowed to use the phone.

    And you have the right to learn correct spelling and grammar.

  2. If you want to became rich or have some good money you could sue for wrongfully arrested all you need is the police number (if you remeber it on his shirt) next time ask for a lawyer,he cant just take you to jail. He probably searched for drugs because your friend was foriegn

      Trust me no this i'm a lawyer

  3. You can sue them and explain what was going on and what had happened. Did you get their badge number more importantly and if you want to report them call the police department and inform them of what happened and you are willing to take it to court.

  4. You have the right to use spell check.

  5. Of course you have the right to file a complaint,although there's no guarantee anything will come of it. Next time use a different car.

  6. Yes

  7. if you have the policemans name, you could make a complaint through the police complaints procedure. however, as these complaints are dealt with by the police, you can expect to get virtually nothing not even an apology. they will always have a good answer for their actions and blame something that you said or did, for their 'reasonable actions'.

    just let it go and put it down to one of lifes experiences.

  8. the police officer punked you out. In order to arrest someone the police must have probable cause. They can make up probable cause then drop any "charges" later. Did your friend give the officer permision to search his vehicle? Being that the vehicle was registered in AZ at that point the officer should have let him go. I would file a complaint with the police department. too many times officers go beyond what the law allows, this makes good cops look bad.

  9. kiss your rights goodbye

    and get ready for the police state

    and fema camps

  10. File a complaint at the police precent where this incident took place. If you don't feel they are taking it seriously file with the Internal Affairs department.

  11. yes, one, you have the right to remain silent

  12. "He said then I will go to jail. So then I just let him."

    Cops can legally lie and generally do.  He coerced you into relinquising your right from unreasonable search and seizure.  You said, so then I just let him, You waived your right willingly,  I suggest going to and watch the video they have available and read a few things.  They can not search your car, they have to have probable cause or a warrant.  And not just probably cause, cause any one can say, i have probable cause.  They have to have Auditory Probable Cause, in other words, they have to well define their probable cause out loud.  But only if you enforce this.  If they think you don't know even one of your rights, they will trample all over you.  Police will threaten to bring the dogs in, or threaten arrest, but it's just that, it's a heavy hand to force compliance.  People need to be educated as to their rights or these things will continue to happen.  If you wanna do something about it, consider starting a cop watch.  Search the internet for info about it and how to go about doing it.  There's lots of videos and such that will give you the general idea.  Stop the Pigs for continuing their unwanted rouge gang activity.

  13. As your username is 'smokenstuff,' I imagine you were doing drugs.  I also recommend spellcheck.

  14. you can't really do too much as they can search you based on 'reasonable suspicion' and it comes down to your word against his about this and also how he spoke to you.  You can file an official complaint against him and that would go on his record.  You'd need to contact the police authority of that area and you need his badge number and/or name.

  15. This is why we need to pay attention to what the politicians are doing.   Do you vote?

      Here's the thing, recently the Supreme Court ruled that they can do that, and more.  

    The case; a guy driving with a minor traffic violation, the state law is give a ticket and let driver go, police searched car found crack, guy sentenced to 5 years, he said cops had no right, in accordance with state, law, Supreme Court said yep they can do what ever they want pretty much.  This was just ruled on about 2 months ago.

      We have virtually no rights in this country any more. Bush has seen to that.

  16. Absolutely you have rights!  That's what the American Constitution is all about!  In a case of police wanting to search your vehicle, unlike for houses, they don't need a search warrant, but rather probable cause (i.e. a strong smell of marijuana being emitted from the vehicle).

    If you were driving a car that was properly tagged for the state in which it's registered, there shouldn't be any problem.  The policeman can still stop you, but there wouldn't be a ticket, unless it was a California plate, or another state that requires both front and back plates.

    I don't blame you at all for being embarrassed and ashamed.  You absolutely have the right to say, "no" to a vehicle search, unless there is probable cause, which he should've given you.  A lot of times, although it's embarrassing, people give in to police searches either because they don't know they can say no, or it's easier to just cooperate because they don't want to cause suspicion.

    You can make a complaint with the police force to which he is assigned.

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