
Do I have astigmatism or another problem?

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I have had glasses/contacts since 3rd grade(now 20) and go to the dr. regularly. When I notice I have a problem seeing something I will usually cover each eye and see what one is worse. Recently I have noticed when I look through only my right eye it is hard to see, especially words. It is as if someone has cut lines through my vision and glued them back together on top of each other. There are parts missing and if I look at a picture for awhile the shape changes. I can see one part and then I can't. I go to the dr. this week and am kinda worried what the problem is.




  1. Sounds as though you may have Keratoconus, I have it and my symptoms were similar to yours, or it may simply be a progression of the astigmatism in your eye. There is always a solution mate, don't worry!

  2. There could be any number of explantations for this, from a simple need to change your glasses, to a problem with the eye itself.  I can't even speculate because of the number of reasons it could be and it's not necessary to scare you when it could be nothing serious...

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