
Do I have autism or regular retardation?

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Autism can be considered a form of retardation because not all have gifts or are like savants




  1. An Autism Spectrum disorder diagnosis is coducted by a developmental medical physician.  The label associated with ASD is not assigned by the school which overseas the student's IEP.  If the student's ASD or ASD tendencies interfere with their academic progress then the ASD is listed as one of the exceptionalities on the IEP.  The IEP is a legal document that is the students individualized education plan and is valid across all 50 states.  Mental retardation or delay is determined through testing measures such as IQ tests, achievement based test, language and motor measures. In order to be assigned the lable of MR, then one would need to be functioning two standard deviations below the norm on a standardized testing measure.  In terms of IQ then below 90 usually indicates a mental delay. I may be wrong on my exact numbers, but I believe MR comes to play in the 70's in respect to IQ numbers.  I am no school psychologist, only a sped. teacher, and I work with the early childhood population when we list a Developmental Delay instead of mental retardation.  The DD vs. MR is because children in the early years often experience "environmental delays" caused by lack of proper intellectual stimulation.  The MR testing and label are not brought into the child's academic records until after 2nd grade when it can be better determined if the child is truly delayed or just "behind" developmentally.  Ask to see your school records if you are legally of age, and if you're not then talk to your school counselor. At some point you will need to assume a position of self advocacy. Good luck!

  2. Autism is a pervasive development disorder that lasts throughout someones life. It is classified by a triad of impairments - the lack of social skills, obsessional behaviours and lack of self awareness being some of the traits. Because it is on a spectrum these impairments vary greatly and not all people have talents in particular areas. Some people are unable to focus on more than one thing at once and they become overly interested in one subject often it can be maths.

  3. autism is not considered a form of retardation, in fact, it is considered a developmental delay with may or may not have mental retardation involved.

    Mostly I would think you are a troll, trying to get responses to an inflamatory question, because someone who had a disability has the freedom to access their own medical files. That would be a far more appropriate way to figure disability than asking strangers on a forum.

  4. Based on this question I would say MR, yet I know people with MR that probably wouldnt ask such a stupid question...and add details that Autism can be considered MR.

  5. This is not a question that can be answered here but that being said, people  are classified as mentally retarded, or the more politically correct term , mentally challenged, when they score low on an IQ test.People with autism generally don't test well and therefor are sometimes misdiagnosed as also  MR

  6. If you are is school ask for a test or to see your records. If you are out of school go to your vocational rehab office, they will test you. You need to know so you can self advocate.

  7. You can find the diagnosis for autistic spectrum disorder on the Internet, this may help you decide as to weather you have autism or not. Some people with autism can also have learning difficulties.The spectrum is wide and is people are usually described as being  'low or high functioning.' Do not however underestimate the people who are described as 'low functioning' some are capable of far more than asking a question such as this. Contact your G.P and ask their advice, if they do not know they will be able to direct you to appropriate professionals in this field.

  8. If you can use words such as retardation, autism, and savant, then I would say you are not retarded.

    If you mean social retardation, perhaps you have Asperger's could research that subject.

  9. They are not interchangeable...but from the question, I would say mentally challenged....

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