
Do I have carpel tunnel syndrome? ?

by  |  earlier

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Since yesterday, the 1st 3 fingers on my left hand are really tingly and numb.

I haven't fractured my wrist/forearm, I dont play sports. But, when I walk my dog I wrap the lead around my palm, and sometimes he pulls on the lead (Not constantly, just of he sees a cat or something...)

Could the jerking motion cause cts? If I have it, do i need surgery?





  1. i doubt it my dog does the same thing and i dont have it

    u should check with ur  doc

  2. I have the same thing--just on my left hand, and just the first three fingers.  The oddest  activities bring it about--nothing like sports or typing.  The doctor (actually two doctors) said it has to do with how you hold your wrist.  Both said Carpal Tunnel.  One doc recommended a wrist splint, available at drug stoes.  I haven't gotten one now that I know it's not a heart attack or something.

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