
Do I have cholera? please answer i'm scared to death?

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I have had a very awful stomachache recently (for 3 or 4 days). I did everything but no result. the stomachache is hetting worse and worse and i have diarrhea without vomiting or even feeling nausea. and i dont rapid dehydration. only 2 or 3 times a day. the reason i thought it might be cholera is that it has become widespread here. ( i live in iran) and i am really scared. they say it kills u in less than an hour but im still not sure. please help me thank u




  1. Even if it is not choloera, you need to drink some water each time you p**p so that you do not bedcome dehydtated.  i don't understand what you mean by you don't rapid  dehydration, only 2-3 times a day.  Do you mean you are only drinking fluids 2-3 times a day? You need  to drink more water and do not eat anything. Only clear liquids, like apple juice, tea, water.  If you are this scared, see a doctor to be sure.

  2. If you're not dehydrated, you're fine. Cholera is notorious for dehydrating the victim to the point of death. Honestly, you've probably eaten something bad or you have a stomach flu. Drink plenty of fluids and eventually this should run its course. If you have access to a clinic in Iran, go there if your symptoms don't get better.  

  3. It won't kill you in less than an hour or you'd already be dead.

    anyway, GO TO A DOCTOR.  

  4. Let a doctor diagnose you. Here in the states what you described is called a stomach flu.

    Could be very minor but don't take the chance.




  6. go to a doctor!!! why are you wasting time by asking us ?

    I hope you get better, but what you have sounds like a stomach virus, with cholera you normally vomit and feel really dehydrated , if you had cholera I dont think you'd be well enough to type on here, i hear its pretty serious.

    If your mum is a doctor, then why ask us, you have an expert at hand! Isn't your mum making sure you are okay?

  7. Honestly, it just sounds like the flu.

    I've looked up the symptoms, and for cholera it said you'd have leg cramps and vomiting along with watery diarrhea.

    But if it persists, I'd definitely see the doctor.

  8. Ask your mother, you have an expert at your fingertips. Were I to believe I was dying I would not be on here seeking a cure,

    When you have seen and watched those you love die, seeking advice from YA is the last thing they would have sought.

    Shame on you, luckily having experienced all of this and more, I can take your Q at face value,

    roflmfao, Hang your head in shame, "

    " I don't rapid dehydrattion"?

    You, with all due respect, are either a "troll" or an ********, either way I have gvien you ammunition, what I cannot give you is a life or an appreciation of reality.  

    Mum is a Dr, then YOU should shut up,

    Insulting As is a no go area

  9. No, you do not have cholera. It might be that your appendix bursted. Or you have paracites. If I were you I'd seek really good medical attention......FAST!

  10. hi anna

    1.cholera kills by high dehydrated at sodium,potassium distarbunce

    2.cause sever hypotenisn then shock ........death within 3 days

    3.this bacteria live at 9 ph ...alkalin media so ...

    it is easy to overcome it by lemon juice to be at 2 ph

    4. i don,t think you have this

    5. your mother can made test cholera for you

  11. Don't you have access to medical care?   You need to check with a doctor.  There are many causes of diarrhea and stomachaches.  Good info on cholera at:

    In the meantime, it might help to go on clear liquids for a few days & see if that helps.  I generally use ginger ale and/or chicken broth.   Here in America they sell stuff (drinks) especially to keep kids (and I suppose adults) from getting dehydrated.   If clear liquids help, go back to solid food slowly, starting with rice.

    But please, get to a doctor ASAP!!   Best wishes, hope you're feeling better soon!!

  12. i m shocked

  13. Treatment of cholera involves the rapid intravenous replacement of the lost fluid and ions. Following this replacement, administration of isotonic maintenance solution should continue until the diarrhea ceases. If glucose is added to the maintenance solution it may be administered orally, thereby eliminating the need for sterility and iv. administration. By this simple treatment regimen, patients on the brink of death seem to be miraculously cured and the mortality rate of cholera can be reduced more than ten-fold. Most antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents have no value in cholera therapy, although a few (e.g. tetracyclines) may shorten the duration of diarrhea and reduce fluid loss.

  14. You would dehydrate if you had cholera.

  15. hi anna

    go to doctor and everything will be fine soon, just ask for forgiveness and death is in the hand of god. so don't worry inshallah it will be ok.

    from maisam pakistan. isme shuma chiye?

  16. I went for an internship to Central America during a cholera outbreak, the first warning sign they showed us was "rice water diarrhea" which means that the stools look like water where rice has been soaked all night, it's watery and has a milky appearance, with bits of mucus in it. The diarrhea is explosive, or unstoppable and large. For diarrhea to be dangerous in a healthy adult, you should have 6 or more stools in a 24 hour period.

    Cramps and vomits can also accompany diarrhea. The only problem figuring out whether it is or not, is that 8 out of 10 people do not present a specific pattern for cholera symptoms.

    My advice? Go to your local hospital and get tested.

    In the meantime, mix 1/2 cup orange juice  with  

      *  one level teaspoon of salt

        * eight level teaspoons of sugar

        * one liter of clean drinking or boiled water and then cooled

          5 cupfuls (each cup about 200 ml.)

    stir and drink 2 ounces every half hour until you feel better.

  17. if i thought i had cholera, i wouldnt be on here asking!

    get to hospital!!

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