
Do I have good enough measurements for modeling?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 5'9" tall. I weigh 118 pounds. My measurements are 34-23-35. It's not that I have more fat around my hips. I just have slightly wider hip bones. Do you think a modeling agency will still like me?




  1. of course u can! but i think ur hips should be skinny and ur weigh sould be lighter

  2. Sounds good to me...Have some confidence and go for it.  Worst thing that could happen is they say no.  

    Be careful and cautions with every person you meet out there in the modeling industry.  And no matter what they say don't let them change who you are!

    Good Luck!

  3. yeah

  4. sure why not

    help me?;... thanks have a good day!

  5. yes . you have goood height and your weight if fine . because now they arent taking the VERRRY thin models , so ur wieght is perfect . and your measurements are very good .

    forsure they will :]

    qoood luckk :D

  6. Yes, you have perfect measurements for a model. Just send some pictures to an agency and see what they think. :]

  7. Perhaps,

    but it's all in "the look". If you have it, they'll hire you on the spot.

    What do you look like?

    Measurements are only one part of the equation.

  8. The statistics are as per model BMI (Body measurement index).

    Besides the basic, it counts how well you can swing yourself on ramp.

    You skin clarity, sure your hair color and face value.  

  9. YES. I model am 5'4 my measurements are 31-23-28

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