I took my daughter to her primary care physician and he told me that someone had been touching my daughter inapproiately and there was no other expanation. I then took her to a dermatologist for a second opinion who said the bumps she has on her genitals are a virus and he would not be so worried if her hymen was still incontact. So they both said that SRS needed to be called, so I went home called the sheriffs office who set up an apptointment for my daughter to see a forsenic doctor which these kinds of cases is all she dealt with. But It was not until 3 days later. 3 days of h**l, 3 days of lost work, I know that this does not sound like a lot to a doctor. But imagine the life changing information that he just blurted out his mouth. The forensic doctor told me her hymen is still in contact and in excellent shape. Was not sure why a dermatologist would think that he had seen enough of them to make a decision like that. So tell me do I have grounds to sue him?