
Do I have hope for dating or not?

by  |  earlier

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I might be considered wierd, but I am a strait male, who also crossdresses. I have shyed away from dating, b/c I dont want to hurt any girl, but I am trying to figure out if I should give up all hope, or if there is any hope that I can find a girl who can understand this side of me.

How do I go about tell her this wo/hurting her in any way.




  1. You know, you don't REALLY have to xdress.

    Just stop it.  

  2. Personally, though I can't say that cross-dressing is high on my list of "must haves" in a future boyfriend, it wouldn't be a deal-killer, either.  And, I'm probably not the only open-minded female out there, either.  So yeah, there's hope for dating for you.

    If you find a girl you like, and the relationship naturally develops, you'll get to know enough about her personality and her values to be able to determine if she could "handle" a secret like yours.  If you get the sense that she would disapprove or freak out or whatever, then slowly withdraw and keep looking until you find someone you are comfortable enough with to reveal your secret to.  If you've been careful with your selection criteria, the "right" woman will come along, eventually.

    Hope this helps.

  3. well I always say that honesty is the best policy..some girls may see it as a turn on and other girls may not. Just be up front that way nothing goes too far before you spill the beans. You will find your soul mate someday...don't rush it and just be yourself..there are always haters out there...Good luck

  4. man, idk but good luck

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