
Do I have low blood pressure? Readings lower than normal?

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I take my own blood pressure at home and I did a blood pressure reading this morning that measured 99/66 and then again this evening and it measured 95/61. Is this considered normal or too low?

I have also been suffering from a lot of headaches, feel really cold and fatigue. Could any of these things be related to the low blood pressure?




  1. The blood pressure mostly normal should be 40 plus your age but the lower side should be 80 so it looks you are sufferring from Low Blood Pressure. Better consult a doctor immediately

  2. Hi

    I also suffer with low blood pressure (90/60), and the main symptom is postural hypertension, ie going dizzy when standing up suddenly. Headaches can also be a symptom, but only if your blood pressure had been generally higher for a long time.

    I would not have thought that the other symptoms you describe are attributable to low blood pressure, and are more likely to be a slight fever. Did you check your temperature?

    Do not worry about your low blood pressure, it is far better than having high blood pressure!

  3. try looking at this site:

    but actually your blood pressure is still normal as long as that's the BP you usually have. some people just have low blood pressure. mine normally ranges from 90/60mmHg to 100/60mmHg. maybe you're just tired. but if you still have those symptoms after a few days, you'd better go to a doctor just to be sure.

  4. THat is pretty low for blood pressure and your symptoms do sound similar to how I feel and I have low blood pressure.

    Do you feel fuzzy sometimes on your feet?  That's my main complaint besides being tired and cold.

    I take Rx fludrocortisone and that helps so much!  Without it I can't even sit up sometimes, but if i take it I feel almost normal!  You may want to go to your doctor and ask about low blood pressure and whether fludrocortisone would help.

    The good news is that you don't have to worry about all the bad side effects of high blood pressure!  :0)

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