
Do I have obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)?

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For example, you know the white lines painted on roads? Well if they aren't straight, or have faded, that really annoys me.

Also, when emptying our dishwasher, I have to stack the plates back in the cupboard in pattern order. So all the green plates have to be together, and all the white ones together. They can't be assorted randomly.

Do I have OCD?




  1. What happens if you don't stack the plates in the correct order? A person suffering from OCD will get upset, worried, anxious if things aren't exactly the way they need them to be, and will disrupt their life to ensure that their compulsions are carried out. For instance, a person might have to get up ten times during the night to make sure the door is locked, even though they remember locking it. It is irrational, like a phobia.

    You may have some mild obsessive tendencies or you may be just neat. If the above things happen to you, or if this is worrying you too much, then I would suggest contacting a professional, eg your doctor, to seek further advice.

  2. everyone in the world has obssesive tendancies,and to me that sounds prettey normal most people i know stack there dishes like that,not because of ocd but just because it looks neat and tidy,you would know if you have ocd because it would take over your life.hope this helps.

  3. I don't think so, or if you do it's very mild.  I think everyone one has things that annoy them and everyone are obsessive about something.  I'm no expert but I think that with OCD the obsession comes with fear that if it is not done this way something bad will happen.

  4. No, you don't.

    People with OCD sometimes have obsessions about orderliness/straightness/positioning of objects or lines etc, as you do, but it is to the extent that it interferes significantly with their lives.

    EG: If the road lines weren't staright, it wouldn't merely 'annoy' them, they would actually NOT be able to drive or walk down that road without unreasoning panic or discomfort, and may eventually avoid roads with lines altogether.

    OCD also involves not merely obsessions (thinking about, or having anxiety about certain things, such as plates being in order) but compulsive actions or thoughts that are carried out in RESPONSE to the obsession.... (eg: someone with OCD may stack and re-stack the plates several times,  or constantly feel the need to stop other activites in order to 'check' the plates to make sure they haven't been stacked incorrectly by accident) You have none of those.  

  5. most definitely, now spend the next hour positioning your mouse in alignment with the if you move it again your only gonna annoy yourself....

  6. it may be a slight case of OCD. But it doesnt sound to bad. I did things like that. Everything used to have to be symetrical and striaght. But i dont do it as much now. Just when i clean up really it has to be perfect amd i dont do it with absoloutly everything now. You never know you might grow out of it or stop doing it doing it one day.

  7. it could develop into an OCD if you let it take over, but for the minute you sound fine, everyone has their strange little things that make them tick

  8. We all have some sort of obsessive compulsive disorder. I, for example cannot stop groping my genitals.

  9. Doesn't sound like OCD.  Try stacking the plates out of order and let it stay that way for a day.  See how that makes you feel.  If it bothers you, that is all you can think about, and you don't feel better until you stack them how you normally do, then it could be an OCD tendancy.  It if just annoys you, but you can go on with your day and think about other things.

    As with the street lines, I have OCD, and it really bothers me too.  But I know for a fact it is not one of my OCD tendancies.  If that was a symptom of my OCD, I would have panic attacks when I saw that or would avoid those roads alltogether. And I don't. Do you?

    My worst symptom of OCD is that I wash my hands a lot of times.  Here's an example of an ocd tendancy.

    I wash my hands about 5 times with soap before I handle food or eat anything.  If I do NOT wash my hands enough, I get really scared and panicky when touching my food because I feel like my hands aren't clean enough and that I might get the stomach virus germ on my food (I'm an emetophobic).  This thought that I might get sick from contaminating my food does not subside until I finally wash my hands a couple more times.

    So with OCD, you obsess over a certain thought that makes you anxious and the anxiety doesn't go away until you do something about it.... a compulsion.

    Some other symptoms could be things like smelling your body, picking at scabs, biting your nails, etc.  If something is making you extremely nervous, these behaviors are common.

    So, now that you've read my essay ^_^  I hope you feel better!

  10. Like That Guy Said Yes We All Have If i See Something Lopsided I Have To Put It Right xD

  11. lol, i think ur just picky :P

  12. These two things alone don't mean you have OCD. To be diagnosed with OCD it also depends on how this affects your life. Can you still function if the plates are stacked wrong? Or do you have to fix them in order to move on? Can you drive on roads with faded lines or do you have to find another route? OCD significantly affects a persons ability to function in their daily life. Another similar diagnosis is obsessive compulsive personality disorder. A person with this displays many of the characteristics of OCD, but may not be quite as perisitent. Some people just have little quirks too. I think we all have pet peeves or things we like to have just so. That is normal, but our ability to function even without things being perfect are the real issue.

  13. Possibly the beginning of OCD

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