
Do I have skin cancer?

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I'm 18 and I have been tanning in tanning beds for about 2 months.

Yesterday I noticed some white spots on my back.

It is really freaking me out.

My parents looked at it and told me my skin was peeling from when I got sunburned a week ago at the beach.

I don't think it is peeling. There is no skin coming off. Just white spots.

Is this skin cancer?

I'm really freaking out.

I'm definitely gonna stop tanning now.




  1. see a dermatologist if youre that freaked out.

  2. skin cancer isnt white, i think it is jus peeling off, but it takes time to peel off , && either tanning in either way is BAD for u! tanning sprays are bad because ur putting chemicals in ur body. Tanning beds can cause Cancer. Tanning in the beach can cause UVA && UVB rays even if u arent wearing the right sunscreen.

  3. you should really ask a doctor

  4. its called despigmentations it means your skin cells are dying because either you use to use cold water and then hot water or otherwise and your skill is turning lighter and it can spread to the whole body go to a doctor as soon as possible and prevent it or you will regret it for ever i know someone that takes it off but if that person does it can go to jail because he has no degree but the smarter scientist did not had a dregree from school either went to school but anyways find help and fast

  5. nooo its not skin cancer lol i get that stuff all the time on my face when im out in the sun all the time (o tanning beds can be just the goes away :-)

  6. white spots is  how most peeling starts.

    If you are that scared, see a doctor.

    Or ask the people at the tanning place if it looks like peeling.

  7. why are u asking us. we r not doctors.  also, we can not see your skin.

    ask the doctor as soon as possible.

  8. It is probably not, but you should see a doctor in case, because you never know. There is no such thing as safe never know, your natural skin tone may look better than your dark, un natural tan! Be a tan worth losing your life?  

  9. There is a high chance it is skin cancer, If you go frequently ( like every week or so), as skin cancer does look like that and tanning beads are known to cause skin cancer... I would say go check it out... As for now i wouldn't worry about it, give it like 2 days and see if it peels

  10. Simple Two Things you need to know:

    1.Good that you are stoping tanning. Its bad for your skin.

    2. Dont worry you dont have cancer, (as per your description) they are just lack melanin (skin color pigment) in your skin.

    To loose the white spots moistuerize your back with lotion and dont expose that part to the sun for a while, and in time surely everythings going to be fine. Take care, and you have no cancer.

  11. skin cancer usually manifests from a spot or a mole of sorts on your skin. a patchy white spot is no indication of cancer from what ive experienced.. i don't think u have much to worry about, but seeing a doctor may ease your worry. your 18 and unless your family has a history of cancer, its unlikely u would get melanoma this young. especially if you have only been tanning for 2 months. as long as you have been doing it properly i think your ok.

  12. its definetly skin cancer. you have about a month to live your life before you die.

  13. skin cancer isnt white

  14. your pigment in certain parts of your skin may be different or scar tissue will not tan either. my boyfriend is 1/2 white, 1/2 black and he has white spots all over his lower back, it is just different skin pigments. don't worry about it. plus i don't think 2 months is enough time to develope skin cancer.

  15. I would see a dermatologist and be careful how often you tan and stop all together if you can. It's risky business

    I had a skin cancer scare and its not worth the anxiety.
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