
Do I have some disorders?

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I was wondering if I have some disorders.

I have intrusive thoughts uncontrollably.

I hate the fact on contamination.

I'm afraid of catching a disease by touching a door handle.

I do things repetitively.

I count things.

I'm afraid of certain things such as heights,being alone,.....

I'm pull my hair.

I pick the skin off of my lip.

I afraid of germs ad diseases.Mostly illnesses.

I'm afraid that someone is after me sometimes.

I get scared easily.

I pick scabs.

I broke my mom's glass table because she was out and we were talking on the phone and she hung up on me while I was trying to tell her that I wanted a milkshake.

I get really mad easily.

I get butterflies in my stomach for no reason.

I pray for every little bad thought that I have in my head.

I like being alone.

I am really sensitive.

I am sometimes really depressed over nothing.

I get depressed over thins that haven't even happened yet.

I cry over things that haven't happened yet.

When I take a bath,I continually keep washing my skin.

I also keep putting soap on the pouffe again and again.

I have certain numbers that I don't like.

I believe in bad and good numbers as well as good and bad letters.

I used to cut myself.

I count how many words I put in a sentance,I count how many times I've did something.

What is all of this?




  1. Sounds to me like a multitude of things. The weird counting, afraid of illnesses, washing your skin continuously, doing things repetitively and afraid to touch door handles are OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) symptoms.

    I suffer from most of those things also. I can't stand when the television or radio volume is on an odd number. I have a shower routine where I have to wash myself a certain number of times (4) or when I get out the shower I will feel nasty. I also pick the skin off of my lip.

    You may also be suffering from Depression. And it's weird that you said that in line number 7 you said that you were afraid to be alone, but in line 23 you said that you like being alone. You may be suffering from something really serious. You may need to get evaluated for other disorders.

    Edit** Oh, okay, I understand. Yeah, it does seem like you're suffering from anxiety issues and stress issues.

  2. Anxiety, OCD..

    and OCD doesn't mean "over compulsive disorder".

    It means "obsessive compulsive disorder".

    Haha sorry, I needed to correct dnice.

  3. Like the first answer said, OCD, depression [crying over things, used to cut yourself], paranoia, fear of germs. But definitely OCD.

    Some of those things are just human nature, just don't worry about them, but some of them, you may need to see a psychologist for.  

  4. "I'm afraid of certain things such as heights, being alone."

    "I like being alone."

    I smell contradiction.

  5. ocd over compulsive disorder and maybe a lil anxiety. You should talk to a mental health specialist.

  6. OCD, Paranoia, phobia of germs, depression. But it does sound like you do have OCD. Maybe a little bit of schizophrenia too.

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