I was wondering if I have some disorders.
I have intrusive thoughts uncontrollably.
I hate the fact on contamination.
I'm afraid of catching a disease by touching a door handle.
I do things repetitively.
I count things.
I'm afraid of certain things such as heights,being alone,.....
I'm pull my hair.
I pick the skin off of my lip.
I afraid of germs ad diseases.Mostly illnesses.
I'm afraid that someone is after me sometimes.
I get scared easily.
I pick scabs.
I broke my mom's glass table because she was out and we were talking on the phone and she hung up on me while I was trying to tell her that I wanted a milkshake.
I get really mad easily.
I get butterflies in my stomach for no reason.
I pray for every little bad thought that I have in my head.
I like being alone.
I am really sensitive.
I am sometimes really depressed over nothing.
I get depressed over thins that haven't even happened yet.
I cry over things that haven't happened yet.
When I take a bath,I continually keep washing my skin.
I also keep putting soap on the pouffe again and again.
I have certain numbers that I don't like.
I believe in bad and good numbers as well as good and bad letters.
I used to cut myself.
I count how many words I put in a sentance,I count how many times I've did something.
What is all of this?