
Do I have some kind of disorder?

by  |  earlier

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I can go from very happy to angry or sad because of one thing that happened multiple times a day. I feel like I don't belong here anyore, and I have thought multiple times of ending my life. I cut myself because it seems to take my mind off of the emotional pain for some time. My parents fight which makes me want to scream and kick and hit. But instead I go to my room and just cry. I don't have anyone I feel like I can trust to tell these things to. Is there somehing wrong with me or is this all normal?




  1. You might be bipolar.  If it is disturbing your life, you may want to see a psychiatrist and get on medication.  Or you might try some herbal remedies.

  2. It is perfectly normal for you to feel this way. Because it's upsetting and hurts you have no disorder  

  3. I know how you feel! My emotions seem out of control and I feel very VERY lonely at times also. I also have tried cutting myself but it was only once. I suggest you find someone to talk to (not like a therapist) but someone your age, to compare problems with. I know myself I can't talk to my parents or my sister. Talking to my friends about my struggles helps alot though! Maybe, on the other hand, you could be bipolar. but usually it's better to not label yourself as something like "bipolar person" and be seen like that all your life. just think of yourself as someone who maybe needs a little help controling emotions and dont take it too hard. =]

  4. Part of it probably is puberty and part of it probably is a difficult home life.  I think you really need to tell your parents that you cut.  Find a quiet time and tell how you are really feeling.  I think they will support you and hopefully help with counseling.  A counselor can help you figure out what else if anything is going on.  It sounds like you need someone to talk to so this would be good in that regard, too.  No one here can diagnose you.  Only a doctor can, but a counselor can help you figure out if a doctor is needed to do an evaluation.

  5. You sound bipolar to me.  

    My boyfriend is bipolar, and he's 52 years old.  He has had it his whole life, but only began treatment 7 years ago.  Now he's on ALOT of medications, which seem to decrease his episodes.  However, if he misses a dose or two, he'll have these mood swings where he'll go from being the sweetest man alive one day to the meanest SOB in the world the next day.  Its a lifelong disorder that you have to keep up on or it will get the best of you.

    Click on the link below to find out more about Bipolar and Manic Depression.

  6. u just have depression dnt end your life. i used to cut myself to. tell someone in your family about this like your aunt or older cousin or grandparents or anyone your really close w/ so u dnt have to fight this on your own... or maybe your not getting enough sleep at nights. watch a movie up in your room when your depressed and to help u sleep. but not anything scarry. some movie that will make u calm and happy or a movie that you already watched a million times. that gets me falling asleep......

  7. DO not trust anyone on this site who wants to diagnosis you with a mental illness when they have no experience in the field of mental health. Part of it is your age. Your hormones are going crazy. Part of it is your family stress. You feel like you can't control your life. All of this is understandable. I would suggest you confide in a adult you trust. I understand if you don't want to tell your parents. But if you have a school psychologist or counsler, I would start by talking to one of them. They won't judge you and they are there to help you, that's their job. If this isn't possible then talk to an aunt, or friend's parent, or coach, or any adult who can direct you to someone who can help. Good luck, the teen years are the toughest!

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