
Do I have some sort of form of amnesia?

by  |  earlier

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I am usually really known for remembering everyone's birthdays, and I still am. I can remember some really selective things, like hanging upside down from a chair as a child for fun and my partially imaginary friend, but increasingly so, I am forgeting really frustrating things.

Just the other day my mom and I were in the store together and I wandered off to the magazines and even though I knew she'd be in the hair care section I couldn't recall where it was. We're talking about a store I can remember playing hide and go seek in as a toddler. I spent a good fifteen minutes wandering around almost in tears because nothing was recognizable.

To be honest, while doing this question I numerously forgot what I was trying to do while these spaces were still blank, it was painful.

I'm not joking around, this is getting ridiculous, how hard it is to remember simple things. I've never been able to remember what I just said or heard, but now the spectrum of what I can't remember seems to be increasing and I'm worried that I might lose my job or anything worse that could happen!

Does any of this sound close to any sort of illness you can recognize? I really need the help.




  1. Barring the use of drugs, it would sound like a simple short term memory problem.  This is usually a symptom of depression, stress, and anxiety, and is not that uncommon.  

    You need to consult with a neurologist to rule out physical pathology.  You may need antidepressants to clear up your cluttered mind.

    Remember, short term memory is different from long term memory.  Lots of emotional problems can cause short term deficiencies.

    Try not to worry.  But do get examined by a specialist.  

  2. It sounds like you should see a dr.  Soon.  You might be having seizures or the like.  Make an appointment.

  3. well depending on your age of course you could be showing early signs of dementia. i have never heard of anyone being young and having such problems. i would go and get a cat scan if you are really worried. that's what i would do.  loosing your memory can be a really scary thing.  

  4. sounds like a THC overdose.

  5. This sounds like a neurological disorder or problem and I think you should see a doctor.(excluding smoking marijuana as a cause)  

  6. My first question is , Do you smoke pot? if the answer is no, I would seek medical advice.. I forget stuff alot, but not that much dear! That sounds so frustrating. I hope someone can help you, and I hope you get this sorted out.

  7. you should go see a doctor for this,

    good luck

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