
Do I have the ability to see the future?

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You see when I'm deep in thought I sometimes just trail off and think about a T.V. show. I don't know how I got there it just popped into my head. Within the next week the show appears on T.V. The catch is that I had to have seen the show before. I haven't seen any ads for the upcoming shows in my visions. I just predicted that during the 08' Olympic Games there will be a great tragity, that the Earth would shake, athlets gripping there heads in pain, and the statium falling apart in the background. So, can I see into the future?




  1. No,you just watch too much TV.

  2. You might have an unknown gift. On January 15th 2008 I had a dream Orlando Bloom died. Then one week later Heath Ledger died. Afterwards I found out they were in a movie together called Ned Kelly. So maybe that is why I was off.  

  3. i always get that with the t.v but recently it has been on that day not a few days later, ive come to the conclusion we just watch to much t.v and sub consciously know what order the programme series are on

  4. No, you just become hypersensitive to it when it does.  You notice things like that MUCH more than you would have otherwise when it's been on your mind.  I've had it happen to me quite a few times myself; like with the television like you stated.  Happens to everyone.

  5. Maybe about 5 tablespoons of Malox might cure you.

  6. How do you expect someone else to answer that question?

  7. i beleave  in that causei also can  

  8. i dont know. we will see what happens and if that happens then thats pretty cool. now can you look into my future?

  9. I've heard that people dreaming about the future might actually just be an error in the brain receiving signals about memories.

  10. I think we have all experienced times when we knew who was calling as soon as the phone rang, or knew we would receive a letter from someone and it arrived the next day.

    Some of these things may be coincidences, or may be true insight.

    I hope your predictions about the Olympics do not come true.

  11. No, you're not- it's a bit of a concise answer, I know, but let me explain. When you think about things in that way, you often forget about doing so. Like, if I daze off and start to think about some episode of That 70's Show, I'll forget that I just thought about it a few seconds later.

    But if that episode happened to come on television after, I would remember thinking about it immediately! The thing to think about is how many times your mind wanders and it doesn't coincide with anything. Our brain processes thousands upon thousands of thoughts every day, right? So if one happens to relate to an event in the future, it stands out. All the others are what make you not psychic. See? =)

  12. maybe your having premonitions... they are a bit like 'visions' or 'seeing the future'. i can't give the exact definition, but you should google the word, see what you find, and if it if what your experiencing.

  13. We will find out, but then again you would know i was going to say that, so you should give me best answer :D

  14. nope u have a big imagination spongebob :)

  15. Well, if you can accurately come up with some winning lotto numbers and share them with me ...I'll say yes.

  16. Erm, no. I'm thinking of Jeopardy now. Will it come on in the next week? Yes - it's a weekly show, like most shows that exist. I don't see anything mystical in what you're claiming at all.

    Also, use the built in spell-checker. It's there for a reason.  

  17. Well, I kinda hope you can't,  that sounds horrid.

  18. well me, lets wait a bit and see- this answer will be in my profile so itll remind me!...and ill follow up. ok?

    in the mean time check out akaskic records in wiki...

    might find it interesting.

  19. yeah, you see I hear the worlds fattest man is going to be transported to the Olympics. And whats worse, it's free burrito day in China. The world is doomed.

  20. well we'll see in the games now wont we!

  21. tell me the what the score will be in the friendly between sunderland and ajax today, and i'll let you know if you have this ability or not

  22. yes i have had many visions come true

  23. at first i thought da ja vu ( or however you spell it) but i am going to hold you aganst the 08 games, just wait, and you will figure out  :) i hope you cant....

  24. This might be a mere coincidence .This may not happen every time.

    Great sages do penance for many years and get the power of,this power is not a child's play.

  25. We are gonna have to wait for the second one. I hope nothing bad happens to them.

  26. If you would have time to look and search about these things in the internet.. Scientists have said that everyone has the ability to see the future. All we need is to have the right knowledge and right timing. I have read this news posted at yahoo but somehow I already forgot some of the things. But for some people, they can control on when they want to see the future or not. Sometimes this happens to me too.. And i get weirded out whenever it does.

    - from DreamPrincess

  27. that sight sounds scary if u can see when and how i will die???

  28. Nope....No one can see into the future. If we could, we could foresee our deaths and change something. God won't allow us to see, we have to live here and now. Besides then you could foresee the lottery #'s and win every time. Can't allow that to happen!

  29. no

  30. i get a lot of logical progressions that are similar to seeing the future -- you can figure out with logic the way things will respond.  its different than having visions though -- its more like you know your best friend and how they behave so you know what they will do tomorrow night even though you haven't had a vision.  thats an oversimplification but the way it usually works.  television shows are usually predictable so logical progressions could easily explain that.  you could have extrapolated something from your knowledge of earthquakes to know a big one will hit china soon.  

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