
Do I have the potential to be a model when I get older?

by  |  earlier

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I just asked this question, but here is a body shot of me that I didn't put on the last question:

And here is a head shot:

Please be honest, but no rude comments. Thanks :)




  1. ya u could ... sry to tell u this babe but u have kinda a big forehead tho but i don't think it'll matter sry  

  2. Lots of models have big foreheads anyway, so ignore that one comment.

    Yes i think you could, although i would grow your hair to about just below boob length. Im 15 and i did some modelling, and i know that long hair goes a loong way. I would grow it long and get some caramel highlights or dye it blonde all over, and some long layers, and keep it wavy/straight. Only problem is your nose, but lots of models have some imperfections that make them stand out so it wont make that big of a deal.

    Keep your skin perfect (soft and pimple free), you have a really good body, and i think you have potential!

    Ive seen a lot of girls on this website that think they could be models but usually they cant and I think u can.

  3. uhm...

  4. Who def have the tall thin look for sure...give it a try and see how it goes....btw I'd start right now...not sure how old you are but many top models started when they were 15ish...good luck

    btw you are very cute...i'd be happy with you on my arm...late

  5. there's a lot more I need to know, but yes, of course.

  6. maybe for a man model.jk?  

  7. You just could be Americas next top model, very nice

  8. yes...have u seen the models these days? they dont care abt big forehead..(and the rest does not pertain 2 u) gapped teeth, etc. You might need training on how to pose but other than that...ur A ok

  9. I'm not trying to be rude but I think you're hips are too wide for a model. Not saying your fat or anything cause you really are skinny, it's just that models are supposed to have boyish figures that excludes even a hint of hips. You basically have to be a stick with no curves.

    Sorry :(

  10. to be honest, no. the modeling industry is extremely competitive and you just don't have the right look. you're cute, but you aren't glamorous. agents look for glamour, and they have enough young women to pick from that they can nitpick all they want. as others have said, models need to have narrow hips. they need to have more sophisticated faces (more angular), trendier hair, a seductive/photogenic quality, and generally they have larger b*****s.

  11. im sorry but you maybe could however

    - you could maybe be a comercial model for like target or shops like that

    - high fashion wise no way

    sorry to sink your boat

    dont take this in offence im just trying to help your beautiful but to be in high fashion you need to be

    - extremly skinny  (your skinny but your good skinny haha )

    - pretty muhc no hips

    - long legs

    - tall

    your face isnt helping you its extremly gorgeous but not high fashion what i mean is high fashion is unique and fashionable your like the girl next door fashionable not high fashion

    you could be a comercial model though :)


  12. So what Tyra Banks has a big forhead, and she is gorgeous!. . I think you could be a model, ive seen girls on ANTM that have your look, and you have a great body for it also......Oh and your hips are not big, it's the jeans that make it look that way

  13. You definitely have some potential, you have a nice figure and great skin, pretty face. You might not be supermodel material, but you could probably model in fashion catalogues or something like that. You should send you pics to some agencies and see what they say. :-)

  14. Hi Mary

    You sure do,

    you have a great body and a beautiful face. You should try out for modelling. You'll make it as a model.

    Good Luck


  15. no f***ing way

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