
Do I have the right to get reimbursement on spoiled food?

by  |  earlier

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The last two days the maintenance man turned the refrigerator k**b to 4. He froze everything in the frige. All food almost over $100.00 spoiled and unedible. Do we or can we get reimbursement for this?




  1. Take em' to the walsmart.  

  2. Who do you think is going to reimburse you?  The maintenance guy?    You can ask him about changing the refrigerator setting but don't expect much.  You'll say that HE was the one who turned the refrigerator k**b to 4, he'll insist that he never touched it.  Your word against his.

    Forget it.  Buy fresh food.  This Christmas when it comes time for the maintenance guy's holiday tip, remember this and adjust your tip accordingly.  

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