
Do I have the signs of being dyslexic?

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I know there are different degrees of this but I'm just curious...

Since i can remember, i would sometimes get page numbers mixed up. My teacher would tell us to turn to page 475, i would turn to page 457. And just today, i gave my mom the wrong phone number. Knowing the number i gave her a totally different one. It was 8994, and i wrote down 8224? With letters, i sometimes cannot say letters in order. if you were to make me spell out "dictionary" i would mix letters up.This only happens sporadically though, its not an everyday thing. Maybe once a month I'll catch myself getting mixed up, or even less than that. But recently typing has now become an issue! I keep hitting the wrong letters or adding an extra letter. I feel like the more I think about dyslexia, the more I find myself getting confused. And i never really thought about it before and i think it started in 5th grade, i just never really thought that maybe i am dyslexic?




  1. i'm going to doubt it.  dyslexis isn't an every once in a while's constant.  if you're concerned about it, go to a doctor and get evaluated.  my husband was diagnosed as dyslexic at 24, and he never realized anything was wrong!  but now that he knows, he concentrates more, and he can see a difference now.

  2. You don't say how old you are, but here is a list of the common warning signs for dyslexia:

    In Elementary School

    • dysgraphia (slow, non-automatic handwriting

    that is difficult to read)

    • letter or number reversals continuing past the end of

    first grade

    • extreme difficulty learning cursive

    • slow, choppy, inaccurate reading:

    - guesses based on shape or context

    - skips or misreads prepositions (at, to, of)

    - ignores suffixes

    - can’t sound out unknown words

    • terrible spelling

    • often can’t remember sight words (they, were, does)

    or homonyms (their, they’re, and there)

    • difficulty telling time with a clock with hands

    • trouble with math

    - memorizing multiplication tables

    - memorizing a sequence of steps

    - directionality

    • when speaking, difficulty finding the correct word

    - lots of “whatyamacallits” and “thingies”

    - common sayings come out slightly twisted

    • extremely messy bedroom, backpack, and desk

    • dreads going to school

    - complains of stomach aches or headaches

    - may have nightmares about school

    In High School

    All of the above symptoms plus:

    • limited vocabulary

    • extremely poor written expression

    - large discrepancy between verbal skills

    and written compositions

    • unable to master a foreign language

    • difficulty reading printed music

    • poor grades in many classes

    • may drop out of high school

    In Adults

    Education history similar to above, plus:

    • slow reader

    • may have to read a page 2 or 3 times to

    understand it

    • terrible speller

    • difficulty putting thoughts onto paper

    - dreads writing memos or letters

    • still has difficulty with right versus left

    • often gets lost, even in a familiar city

    • sometimes confuses b and d, especially when

    tired or sick

  3. Vb tutorials-

  4. my boyfriend has it and he is the same way.Now my son 3 1/2 just learned my phone number but gets the area code wrong 609 he says 906 My boyfriend just told me he did that also and it just takes a little bit more concentration when dealing with numbers.

  5. It's possible that you oculd, but remember, when it comes to word order and number order, your eyes naturally read ahead.  

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