
Do I have the stomach flu? And What should I eat?

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ok! lol so on tuesday i was up at like 4 puking my guts out. SO MUCH FUN! ha lol, i wazs sick all day, couldnt keep anything but gaterade down. By the end of the day i was pretty much fine. So then wednesday i ate a little more and blabbity blah blah. i was all fine today and yesterday. but then at like 11 tonight more puking. yay! lol, i've puked three times since hen. so yeah is it the stomach flu or what? and should i have a little bit of water or coke or seven up and see if i can keep it down (didnt work on tuesday & we're outta gaterade and its kinda late to go to the neighbors and get some lol, and i dont wanna wake my parents again lol) or just try and sleep and hope im magically better in the morning??

or, my mom thinks it could be gone but im just dehydrated? lol, ive had volleyball camp since monday but i skipped tuesday and yeah its like 2.5 hrs in a hot gym w no air conditioning and 100 people on 2 IDK! lol what do u people think??




  1. Sounds like the stomach flu. I would suggest eating Saltine Crackers or some plain bread. Something that will absorbe the stomach acid. Not exactly tasty, but it will keep you from puking.

    Sip on some kind of juice, something mild. Watered-down Kool-aid or something. And I mean sip on it. Little teeny tiny sips. If you drink too much at once, believe me, you will hurl right then and there.

  2. If you have the stomach flu, do you have fever? There is a clear liquids diet doctors have just for this.. I know it well. These things will stay down: clear beverages (no fruity juice, tea, or dark colored cokes), dry toast, (toasted bread, not gooey regular bread) saltine crackers, (none buttered) jello, bananas, rice, bouillion. No dairy or oil products.

    Easy foods: rice with boullion is like rice and gravy, or dry toast with the boullion;  jello!  so jelly (no fruit spreads or preservatives) on dry unbuttered toast or on saltine crackers. Any of these combos at least let you feel like you aren't starving, and have flavor.

    The flu can last 24 hours, or 6-10 days. Hope you feel better soon!

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