
Do I have to be a U.S. citizen to earn a Private Pilot License?

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Im a 16 yr old Filipino citizen living in the US with a green card. I pretty much am American considering i dont speak much tagalog and ive lived here since i was a yeh i dont have much foreign mannerisms. Anyway i was jus wondering if i had to be a full on American citizen to earn a PPL when i turn 17 ?




  1. yes you can

  2. Yeah, if you have your green card then you qualify to do anything exept for scholarships and goverment finacial aid. You will go through a background check but its not bad if you don't have any encounters with police and such.

  3. Yes, u can apply as a 'foreign national'. The fact you hav a green card is beneficial to you. Basically, if you're good at maths; you can earn a PPL

  4. As long asyou can  Read, speak, write, and understand the English language your good.

  5. You can get a pilot's license in the USA, but as a foreign national, you will have to submit to an extensive background check.  It helps that you already have a green card.

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