
Do I have to be slim to try and look good?

by  |  earlier

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I am overweight. I am currently losing weight.

But I've been thinking. I'm just not motivated to try and make myself look really good. Sure, I keep hygenic and I make sure I look presentable - of course everyone does! - but I want to be able to look really good and stylish. I want to look like my age - I'm only 19.

Even though I'm losing the weight, I know it will take a while to do it healthily and keep it off, and while the weight is still on, it just completely demotivates me to make something striking of myself.

I'm not round, and Im not obese - But I am very clearly overweight and no one could ever mistake me for slim! Haha!

Is it actually worth me trying to look really awesome if Im not slim? I keep thinking that I want a new, funky hairstyle - maybe something daring, modern and stylish, like the asymmetrical hairstyles people have. Then I start telling myself that theres no point because I'm not slim. I don't even know what my reasoning is behind this.. Maybe just that no matter what I do, I will never look good until I have lost a few pounds. I dont know..

Is it worth me even trying right now?




  1. Yea girl.. go for it embrace you wild child an extra few pounds shouldn't hold you back.. people are bound to look past the fact that your not an anorexic twig when your at peace with yourself and living it...

    p.s Is your avatar a Ragdoll cat..  

  2. uhm yea

    trust me

    i feel the same way and if u dont try to make urself look good u wont wana loose weight

    trust me it dosent seem like it makes sense but it does

    help me?;...

  3. yes!

    everyone should feel good about themselves.

    trust me theres ALOOT of bigger pretty people out there.

    answer mine too?;_ylt=...

  4. Hi Danielle,

    No you don't have to be super slim to look good. Being honest, I find all this dieting & eating fresh air to be a size zero quite disturbing.

    Up until 4 years ago I was a size 8, now I'm a size 14 (UK size). I've been suffering from an illness the past 4 years, but I'm getting better now and would like to lose a bit of weight, but I want to do it to be healthier by going to a gym rather than just not eating anything. So, I will lose weight, but I did feel that I was a little too thin at size 8. There's so much pressure on young girls to be thinner & thinner and these fashion magazines don't help. Funnily enough, I saw a programme on BBC3/4 last night with this fairly slim and averagely pretty journalist seeing what it takes to feel happier within your own skin and she ended up doing a fashion shoot like they do for these magazines, to see what they do to make her look good and basically they spray painted all of her & removed 1 eye to be replaced by the opposite eye placed on both sides to make her look more "symetrical". She was gob smacked & said that that wasn't her at all.

    You can look good at any size as long as you wear things that fit well and suit your personality. Invest in good quality clothes as this is the number 1 thing, then treat yourself to a really nifty hairstyle, being honest, those funky asymetrical hairstyles look great on any sized women as long as it's cut and coloured well and then go and get your nails done in a salon. I've always felt like a million dollars whenever I have just had my hair & nails done. It inspires me to dress up and get some nice clothes. It's all in the mind Danielle. If you dress to look good, you do feel good, & this is me, a not very confident person, saying this and know this ;)

    Try it! You don't lose anything by doing so, except feeling a bit better within yourself, and it will give you positive vibes to carry on losing a bit of weight and look even better!!

    PS Your Birman Willow is beautiful. I love all the SLH cats :)

    Sorry if I've rambled on, but don't listen to those who say that you can only look good if your a stick insect!! ;)

    All the best.

  5. Wanting to look good and stylish is normal and something we should all expect from ourselves. You could be slim if you really,really go for it. You just need to be strict and be diciplined. I'm all for trying new hairstyles and changing you image to be the way you want to look. So yeah of course it's worth it. Make sure your motivation comes from within, don't allow society's ridiculous and superficial expectations be your motivation. And don't do this for anyone but youself, because we all know that you can't please everyone.

  6. that's really stupid, a lot of overweight people look beautiful, you don't have to look like a scary toothpick...people are just obsessed these days...sure loose weight, yes you'll look better and feel better IF you do it the healthy way, but don't ever say "ooh, when i'm thin i'll be able to do so many things..." and so on, I know a lot of people who do that, it's just stupid

  7. I know what you mean, I really don't like that I'm not flexible or toned. So, I'll start working out and stretching and stop after a couple of weeks. It's hard to stay motivated.

    It doesn't matter if you aren't at your goal. You should go for a better hair style, like the long bangs and short back, and wear make up.

    Doing something new like that will help with the motivation.

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