
Do I have to buy a ovulation predictor kit at a pharmacy, or can I find them at drugstores i.e. Schlecker in G

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in Germany.




  1. Well, I never needed one, so I can't be absoutely sure, but I think you can get them at Schlecker/Müller/DM. After all, they do have pregnancy tests, and those are definitely cheaper at the drugstore than in the pharmacy.

    In the store, they should be were the pregnancy tests/condoms... are.

    Good Luck! ;))

  2. You find it at the "Apotheke" and also at SCHLECKER. Schlecker has them for sure because I saw them there just recently.

  3. I am pretty sure you will only get them at a pharmacy (Apotheke) in Germany.

  4. Hello, My girlfriend got hers on-line. Some thermometer thingy called Cyclo test.

    I've never seen them in Schelcker in Austria, but then again I've never looked for them.

  5. as far as I know dm has it (a drugstore)

  6. definitely at drugstore I bought one at rossmann

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