
Do I have to declare a retention of hungarian citizenship before I meet a certain age??

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I have dual citizenship, one of them is hungarian, ive heard that some countries require a citizen residing abroad to declare a retention of the citizenship before some age so one doesnt lose the citizenship, now my question is if Hungary is on of those countries or if I can be calm that i wont lose it, I was born on 1991 and im 16 years old, I would like someone to answer this and also give me some information of hungarian citizenship.




  1. / This is very difficult to understand, but a wesite search is below...

  2. Hi there Ibolya,

    please  do post your remaining (if any) question to  the Embassy of Hungary.

      Hungarian citizenship

    Before going into details, you should take into consideration two general principles:

       1.      Hungarian citizenship law is based on the principles of jus sanguinis ("right of blood" in Latin), meaning that a person acquires Hungarian citizenship by birth from a parent who is a Hungarian citizen.

       2.      As citizenship laws  don't have retroactive effect (except in some very special cases), one always have to refer to the law which was in force at the date of his/her birth.

       3.      Dual citizenship is permitted under Hungarian Law

    According the present regulation in force - Act LV of 1993 -

    Hungarian citizenship can originate under two principles: the most significant one being the principle of origin : the child of every Hungarian citizen becomes a Hungarian citizen by birth (whether the mother or the father is a [or both are] Hungarian citizen [s]).

    Prior to this date, rules for acquisition and loss of Hungarian citizenship may have been different. As Short and by no means exhaustive resume concerning Hungarian citizenship, before applying, please consider the following:

        *      Between October 1st , 1957– October 1st,1993:

    if one of the parents was a Hungarian citizen at the moment of birth, the child became Hungarian citizen.

        *      Before October 1st , 1957:

    Ø      a child became a Hungarian citizen only if his legitimate father was a Hungarian citizen. The child of a Hungarian mother and a non-Hungarian father didn’t become Hungarian citizen by birth.

    Ø      If  the child was born out of wedlock (extramarital birth) and the mother had Hungarian citizenship, he/she became Hungarian citizen. But if later on the child was recognized by a non-Hungarian father, he/she could have loosen his citizenship.

    Ø      the non-Hungarian wife of a Hungarian citizen husband became automatically Hungarian citizen after the marriage.

    Ø      If a Hungarian citizen wife acquired by marriage the citizenship of her non-Hungarian husband, then she automatically lost her Hungarian citizenship

    Ø      Those, who left Hungary before September 1st, 1929 could loose their citizenship by living continuously abroad for a period exceeding 10 years. This 10 period began after the expiry date in the last Hungarian passport of that person.

    Ø       Effects of the Trianon treaty: in general those living outside of the present Hungarian borders lost their Hungarian citizenship and became citizens of the country which received the given territory (with some minor exceptions) after 1921.

    Ø      In some cases, the Acts of 1879 and 1939 entitled the Hungarian State to deprive Hungarians from their citizenship.

    (for further details in Hungarian, please go:



    please read on the text on the original text here:

    If you will be 18 in 2010 you can even vote at the Parliementary Elections.

  3. why not say? where you are indeed also a citizen of besides Hungary ? if you are in the US? you are fine for both citizenship.....

    here are the countries that do NOT allow dual citizenship:

    Belgium Japan Romania

    Brunei Kenya Singapore

    Chile Kiribati Solomon Islands

    China Malaysia Thailand

    Denmark Mauritius Vietnam

    Ecuador Myanmar Venezuela

    Fiji Nepal Zimbabwe

    Finland Norway  

    Ireland Portugal  

    Iceland Papua New Guinea  

    Indonesia Peru  

    Iran1 Poland  

    got your answer ?

    all the other countries DO  allow dual citizenship;

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