
Do I have to fill out taxes next year?

by  |  earlier

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So I worked for this nursing home for like 3 weeks. Made less than $1000 total. And I really don't plan on making more than $1000 within the next year.

Now my mom tells me that since I'll only have made that much, I would be exempt from filling out those taxes that come around every year in April. Is that true?

Also, I searched on the official IRS website about it but I honestly couldn't find anything. Can anyone quote or give me a link to where it says that if it does?





  1. You do not have to file unless your taxes are over your personal deduction. If they take out taxes you would want to file to get those back.

  2. If you are a dependent and all you had were wages, your filing requirement doesn't begin until your wages are more than $5450.

    However, look at your paycheck stubs.  If any federal tax was withheld you would have to file to get that refunded.  

  3. If they took out social security and medicare, then your mom is correct that you wouldn't be required to file.  If anything was withheld for federal income tax though, you can file and get it refunded.  One place you can find filing requirements is publication 17 (download at, page 5

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