
Do I have to get undressed in front of the girls in middle school?

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we got new gym outfits and i was wondering if i had to change in front of the girls in gym?




  1. yea...but it's not that big of a deal...if you have something to hide or if you really feel that uncomfortable then go into the restroom..but when i was in middle school everyone used to get mad at the people that went into the bathroom because then people can't use the bathroom cuase they are in the changing

  2. I can tell youre conscious about changing in front of them. Really no one is walking around inspecting your body. But if you are really worried about it, most locker rooms have stalls for bathrooms. You can always change in there. =]

  3. yes most the time you do unless you undress in a shower or something.

  4. In our school you had to change in front of girls. Here's a tip, wear a bra or an undershirt, that way you don't have to reveal anything. Also, put on your shirt first, so then when you change your pants you can't see your underwear! You'll get used to it, trust me, you've all seen everything your afraid of showing =)  

  5. Most likely. I remember my first day in Middle School when we had to hit the locker room to change. Everyone lined up at the showers and used them as changing rooms. Then the coach ran in and started screaming at us for it. Apparantly the coach doesn't like being denied watching young boys change clothes? I didn't understand it then, and I still don't now.  

  6. dang you people got separate showers my school its just one big room with lots of shower heads and one rest room in the locker room with no door.  And i really question some coaches because after gym class or sports practice are coaches would get pissed if we dident shower and wanted to wait till we got home

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