
Do I have to go to the church?

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My fiance is in a wedding this saturday. His friend, who my fiance doesn't really like anymore, is getting married and I only know a couple of other people who are going. My question is, do I have to go to the church part of the wedding? It's a logistics thing really... my fiance will be taking pictures, and riding in the limo. What do you think?




  1. Yes, you have to go.  It is ill mannered not to go to the actual wedding.

  2. No, you dont have to go. You can just say you can't get work off, and only go for the reception. If you go expect to be on the sidelines. bc you wont be in pics, you most likely wont be able to ride in the limo with them. But if your fiance wants you to be there, then you should go. The first thing to a good marraige is compromise! Good luck!!! :)

  3. I think you should go, even if he is going to be busy and riding in the limo, etc.  How many times do you think he'll say 'oh you should have seen..." or "you should have heard..." and you'll be lost and feel left out at the end of the day.  If nothing else go for kicks and giggles!

  4. Unless you have severe social anxiety that keeps you from being in social situations alone, you should go to the ceremony.

    Personally, I think it is kind of rude to just show up at the reception (unless with good reason, like what I have stated above) because it's basically saying you are just there for the party.

  5. go

  6. just go.

  7. If you can't be bothered to go to the church, then really, you shouldn't go at all, but it sounds like they've already planned for you to attend, so it's too late to back out now. Just suck it up and go to the church as well as the reception.

  8. I agree with Country Girl-It's one night out of your life, and you can ask him to spend as much time as possible with you, but I would DEFINITELY go to get ideas for my own wedding!  

  9. If your planning on going to the reception then yes you have to go to the church

    since you dont know that many people,just kindly ask your fiance to stick by you as much as possable

  10. If you will be going to the reception, you should go to the ceremony. It is rude to show up for the expesnive part nd to not go to the actual wedding. If you can't get off of work early enough or have some other real reason it should be fine, but not just because you don't want to. Bring your own car and mingle with other people while your fiance does the wedding party stuff. You can manage.

  11. I would go, if for no other reason than to get idea's for my own wedding.  Good Luck.  Hope you have many wonderful years.  God Bless.

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