
Do I have to have a Great Voice to be on the Radio?

by  |  earlier

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Working in radio is one of my dreams but I dont think I have the Voice.




  1. I dunno how u sound.But if u like it so much go for it!

  2. While a good voice is always a plus in radio, I think that "how" you say things matters more than the quality of your voice while saying them.  As a former Program Director for an Adult Alternative station, I would be more interested in hiring someone who sounds intelligent and has a nice flow to their speech, rather than someone who has  a "golden voice" but not a brain in their head.  Their are exceptions to this rule.  If you've been told your voice sounds like a train wreck, then maybe you should reconsider.  Otherwise, I say "Go for it!"

  3. You got a demo?

  4. "Brad & Duh" pretty much said it all. The only thing would be if You have no inflection to Your voice then You would be boring & not holld the attention of Your potential audience

  5. I'm with Brad on this. A very old, dear (successful) radio friend has always had an enviable, deep, booming voice. Mine is like a regular person.

    We were chatting one day when i told him how much I coveted his big chops.

    He laughed and said he'd been about to tell me how he envied the versatility and characters I could employ.

    So I guess there's something to be said for both. As long as your voice is not awful (and even that might be 'trained" out of you), what you say is more important than the timbre of your voclal chords.

    -a guy named duh

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