
Do I have to have an attorney to sue an insurance company?

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Do I have to have an attorney to sue an insurance company?




  1. You do not need an attorney if you go to small claims court.  What is the dollar amount you are talking about?

    Why don't you post your situation to see if you can get some help ?Or, to see if you should even go to court or not?  

  2. You can negotiate on your own with the company or pay a professional to do that. If you are looking for legal assitance there are legal plans out there where you would receive 25% off of all attorney fees.

  3. EDITED: Try this is a law portal offering free services to the general public and lawyers alike. It is an effort to create a common platform for lawyers across the length and breadth of the country and provide the following:

    Only if you believe this

    Conventional wisdom says "anyone who acts as his own attorney has a f--l for a client."

    How many individuals acting as their own attorney have won their cases that you know?

    The best idea is seek a lawyer that works on a contingent base and

    knows the laws and will know if you have a good case or not.  He won't take it unless you do and you probably won't win if you don't.

    EDITED:You have a pro and a con for your answers so read about and decide for yourself if you can handle the job.

    Pro Se Issues and Laws

  4. Bear in mind, most insurance companies have staff attorneys., who work exclusively for the ins  companies.  They also have  attorneys on retainer, who work on a contract basis.  These attorneys are experienced and are experts in insurance law.

    Trying to sue an ins company without a lawyer  is like  an amateur   softball pitcher trying to pitch to the Boston Red Sox.  They will make you look like a jerk without even trying.So, to

    avoid being humiliated, get yourself an attorney. Most will give a free initial consultation, so talk to one and see if you have a case and it's' worth pursuing.

  5. Get an attorney!  You need to determine whether your agent made an error or the actual insurance company.  You need someone to read the policy carefully to see if you really have a claim or just a misunderstanding, etc. Your question may need more details for a really good answer too.  

  6. No, you can sue them pro se

  7. No, you don't.  But if you don't hire the attorney, you're probably going to lose the suit.  

    You probably don't know enough about the law, and the contract, to file and win a suit correctly.  

  8. what are you suing them for?  you don't normally sue the company, they are not responsible, the insured is and that's who you sue.  if you try and sue a company for whatever reason, good luck!  they have way more resources and money than you do.

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