
Do I have to have straight A's in High school to even be considered for the Astronaut program?

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Do I need straight A's in HIGH SCHOOL to become an astronaut?

Please answer.




  1. You should work on being a pilot.  Get into the Naval Academy and do well and you're on your way.  

    But as long as you get in, even if you don't make it to be an astronaut you have hope for later success.

    John McCain was 894th out of 899 in his NAVY class.

  2. well you need good grades but its more important in college

  3. Your grades in high school really don't directly affect you being accepted into the astronaut program. They do, however, affect your chances of getting into a good college. Before you become an astronaut, or even apply for a job at NASA, you have to have PhD.'s in certain degrees such as astrophysics, and aviation. You don't jump from high school into the space program. To join NASA I believe you must have college degrees in astrophysics and astronomy, and to become an astronaut there is another set of criteria. You also have to be in top physical performance in order to be accepted into the space program.

    You will need a high GPA to get into a good college.

  4. Kids you don't need good GPA or bachelor degrees, or go to air force to become an astronaut.. or cosmonaut.. All you need is money preferably around $50 millions.. You just pay the Russian Space Agency so that they will let you fly on Soyuz in to space for about a week..

  5. Once you attend university your high school marks are completely forgotten about. The emphasis will be on how well you do in the pre-requisite tertiary qualification you'll need to get into the Astronaut program. You'd need to excel in that.

  6. If you wanna be an astronaut your best bet would be to get into the military. Go into the air force, preferably the Air Force Academy (which you need like a 24 or something on your ACT and a good GPA) then go to NASA.

  7. no. schools dont look at jst grades they look at a all rounded students. you can average grades, do community and service, play sports, and you'll  mos likely get accepted.

  8. Probably a really high GPA but maybe not all A's. They would prolly look at things like ACT scores and c**p like that too.

  9. yes if you dont do an extra curricular activites, but what colleges usually look for is extra curricular if your GPA isnt a 4.0 make sure that you do some activites!

  10. No but you need to get your bachelors degree before you enter the program so you need to worry about college first. You also need 3-years of related experience before you are even considered for the program... You have a lot of work ahead of you.

  11. I wouldn't say you have to get straight A's every quarter from 9-12 grade. That would be asking you to be perfect and no one is perfect. What I would do is concentrate more on thing's like math, and science. Those are the things that they would be looking at. Not if you got an A in homec or not.

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