
Do I have to install new carpet in my tenants unit?

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My tenant has been living in her unit with her 6 kids for one year. Her unit came with brand new carpet (almost brand new everything). Anyway she just asked me today if I would put new carpet in her unit. I told her that her carpet is one year old, that she moved in with brand new carpet.

She said that the doctor told her that her son is allergic to the carpet and she needs new carpet. Her son has a rash on his butt. Even though her son walks around naked all day.

Do I legally as a landlord have to install new carpet?




  1. She needs to tell her son's doctor to give her a prescription for a good ol ointment called Nystatin (sp) it works great.  I as a landlord would tell her NO I'm not replacing the carpet since it was Brand New when she moved in.  Tell her if she wants the carpet replaced she needs to purchase the carpet since you as the landlord have supplied a home with carpet and you can't be held liable for her son's allergic reaction.

    Look on maybe there is something more specific to your question answered on there.

  2. You are not obligated to replace one year old carpet.  If she wants to spring for it, let her.  Perhaps she should be reminded that many times new carpet emits gases that many people are allergic to.

    Perhaps she should move to another place.  When she moves out, if she has trashed the existing carpet, install tile or wood. No problem with allergens there.

  3. This don't make sense to me....if the child is allergic to the carpet, how is putting new carpet in going to solve the problem. If an allergy test were done, then the child probably needs to be moved to a different home with some other kind of flooring esp if the child does not stay in clothes.  

  4. No, of course you don't have to replace the carpet.  Even if her kid IS allergic to the carpet, it's not YOUR problem.  It's HERS.  If she wants new carpet, simply tell her that she can do it by paying for removal and replacement herself.

    I suspect she will quickly discover that the butt rash has nothing to do with the carpet.

  5. I don't think so, but if she's a pain I'd try and get her out.  If her lease comes up either don't renew, or up her rent.  

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